Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs “WHO Expert Team to Visit Wuhan Research Institute and Huanan Market”

'WHO Corona 19 Origin Investigation Team' in Wuhan, China

picture explanation‘WHO Corona 19 Origin Investigation Team’ in Wuhan, China

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In order to uncover the origin of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), the visit schedule of the World Health Organization (WHO) expert team staying in Wuhan, China, will include the Wuhan Virus Research Institute, hospital, and the Huanan fish market. The authorities said on the 29th.

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Li Zhen said at a regular briefing that the WHO expert team’s future schedule, “the next schedule (of the WHO expert team) and where to visit will depend on the common perception both sides have achieved in advance.” We will scientifically and professionally determine the characteristics of Corona 19 and the infection situation.”

A spokesman for Zhao said, “All the expert teams will go to the place just mentioned,” and “The expert team will publish research results externally at an appropriate time.”

“What I want to emphasize is that the activities of the WHO team of experts are part of an international study (on the origin of COVID-19), not an investigation,” he said. “The two sides have already exchanged several times through video.

“It is helpful for international research to share their research results and deepen the next level of cooperation,” he said. “Since senior officials and reporters in each country are not scientists anyway, they give enough support and trust to the expert team, We must reduce unnecessary interference,” he stressed.

Spokesman Zhao added, “China will cooperate with the WHO expert team in an open, transparent, and responsible manner,” and added, “We will contribute to preventing future risks and protecting the lives of people in each country.”


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