Chinese media outraged by provocations of British politicians

[진르터우탸오 캡처]

[진르터우탸오 캡처]

The third pandemic of Corona 19 is ongoing around the world.

London, England, ahead of Christmas on the 20th. [EPA=연합뉴스]

London, England, ahead of Christmas on the 20th. [EPA=연합뉴스]

The country that attracts the most attention is the UK. It is because the corona 19 variant virus appeared. Known as VUI-202012/01, this strain is said to be 70% more infectious than the existing coronavirus. Here, the British Health Minister announced the emergence of another variant virus ‘501.V2’ originating in South Africa on the 23rd (local time). The number of new corona 19 confirmed cases in the UK is recording the highest ever.

The streets of London, UK on the 21st. [신화=연합뉴스]

The streets of London, UK on the 21st. [신화=연합뉴스]

This is why British Prime Minister Boris Johnson imposed an emergency total blockade in the capital London and southeastern England on the 19th. More than 16 million British people stayed at home for Christmas. The streets of London, England, which should be crowded, have become uninhabited due to the blockade. Depending on the circumstances, it is possible that a blockade may be imposed across the UK. It is Britain that has had a gloomy Christmas more than any other country.

On the 21st, Santa-related clothes are being sold on the streets of Hong Kong, China. [EPA=연합뉴스]

On the 21st, Santa-related clothes are being sold on the streets of Hong Kong, China. [EPA=연합뉴스]

In the midst of this, China was summoned. Through the remarks of a British politician.

Who said what?



The main character is Nigel Farage. He is the representative of the British Brexit Party. Brexit (British withdrawal from the European Union) is used as the party’s name. Representative of the party who strongly insisted on the British escape from Europe. He is a far-right politician.

He posted this on his Twitter on the 20th.

“Christmas has been canceled. Thank you, China.”

[진르터우탸오 캡처]

[진르터우탸오 캡처]

There is no separate explanation. But I can guess enough.

The streets of London, UK on the 21st.  There are few people and it is busy.[신화=연합뉴스]

The streets of London, UK on the 21st. There are few people and it is busy.[신화=연합뉴스]

As previously introduced, the number of confirmed cases in the UK has exploded due to the variant coronavirus. It is not unusual at any time that the total blockade in London and southeast England will expand across the country. The words “Christmas has been canceled” by Faraji seems to indicate this situation. Then he said, “Thank you China.”

The intention is obvious. It would look like this if you translate Farage’s Twitter sentences to reflect the insides.

Tweet by Nigel Farage, the representative of the Brexit Party of England. [트위터 캡처]

Tweet by Nigel Farage, the representative of the Brexit Party of England. [트위터 캡처]

“Our Christmas has been canceled because of you guys in China that caused Corona 19! Thank you very much!”

Of course,’thank you’ is an irony. It is inevitably a political statement that stimulates anti-Chinese sentiment.

The streets of London, UK on the 21st.  There are few people and it is busy.[신화=연합뉴스]

The streets of London, UK on the 21st. There are few people and it is busy.[신화=연합뉴스]

Knowing this intention, many Brits did not sympathize with Farage. For example: “Vietnam borders China for 850 miles. The population and population density are higher than ours. However, there are only 1,400 confirmed cases.” Regardless of the origin of the corona, it means that the spread of corona in the UK is the UK’s responsibility.

Britain's Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage speaks at a campaign in Arizona during the US presidential election in October. [로이터=연합뉴스]

Britain’s Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage speaks at a campaign in Arizona during the US presidential election in October. [로이터=연합뉴스]

There is also an article like this. “The same is true for a man (like you) who enters a pub (a British bar) after traveling to the United States for a foreign election when overseas travel and participation in rallies is prohibited. It was criticizing the actions of President Farage, who gave a support speech at the scene of the presidential campaign of US President Donald Trump in October. Of course, there are quite a few writings that agree with Farage’s thoughts. However, many disagreed.

But China was really excited.

Chen Wei-hwa, head of China Daily's EU branch, responds to the tweets of British Brexit Party representative Nigel Farage. [트위터 캡처][트위터 캡처]

Chen Wei-hwa, head of China Daily’s EU branch, responds to the tweets of British Brexit Party representative Nigel Farage. [트위터 캡처][트위터 캡처]

A Chinese person tweeted a comment on Parage’s post. “Use a mask. (Wear a mask and stop talking shit).” Is the content. It was Chen Weihua, who wrote the article. “I can’t be polite to a Trump-style racist like you,” Chun replied to Farage’s retweet of being too aggressive. “Faraji is Trump’s puppet,” he said.

What’s important is that Chun is the head of the European Union’s branch of China Daily, the state-run newspaper of China. Apart from her status as a journalist, she poured out hard-lined remarks mixed with emotions.

It’s not just Chun Ji-guk. The Chinese media also raged. The China Daily reported on the controversy between Farage and Chen Weihua, criticizing that “Faraji accuses China in a strange way, only showing that she is stupid.”

The Chinese Global Times reported on Twitter remarks by British Brexit Party representative Nigel Farage. [글로벌타임스 홈페이지 캡처]

The Chinese Global Times reported on Twitter remarks by British Brexit Party representative Nigel Farage. [글로벌타임스 홈페이지 캡처]

The state-run Global Times also criticized, “British politicians like Farage misleaded the people with so-called universal values ​​such as freedom and democracy,” and criticized that “demonizing China does not help the West solve the epidemic.”

London, England, ahead of Christmas on the 19th. [AFP=연합뉴스]

London, England, ahead of Christmas on the 19th. [AFP=연합뉴스]

Indeed, the major British media did not report the parage remarks. It must have been because he guessed his intention to speak, a far-right politician like the British on Twitter who criticized the parage remarks. Rather, it means that the Chinese state-run media have made Farage’s remarks more pronounced.



The reason China is sensitive to the origin of the corona is due to the international community’s anti-China perception and domestic dissatisfied public opinion. Therefore, the Chinese government and state-run media are focusing more on asserting that the origin of Corona 19 is not China. It was used to reinforce the claim by citing or distorting only part of the remarks of foreign experts.
For this reason, interpretations such as “If President Xi Jinping is freed from the coronavirus accusation, one of the major elements of the big rule of dissatisfaction (Erin Baegol, Professor of Southern California University)” comes out.



Farage’s intentional Chinese provocation before Christmas. And China, which is a hot spot there. Could this be due to the Chinese anxiety?

Reporter Seungho Lee [email protected]
