Chinese in the penthouse… Bae Yun-jung illegal download apology synthesis

Bae Yoon-jung apologizes for using illegal streaming sites
“I’m ashamed to act not carefully”

Bae Yun-jung /Photo = Hankyung DB

Bae Yun-jung /Photo = Hankyung DB

Choreographer Bae Yoon-jung apologized for watching the drama through an illegal streaming site.

On the 13th, Bae Yoon-jung posted a short video on his SNS with a post saying, “I’d rather play a game.”

The video contained the image of Bae Yoon-jung’s husband watching the SBS drama’Penthouse’. It was a sweet newlyweds’ daily life after filming her husband who fell in love with the drama, but the problem was the TV screen in the video.

Chinese subtitles were included under the’penthouse’ scene on the screen. As a result, netizens raised suspicion that Bae Yoon-jung was using Korean drama files illegally distributed on Chinese sites.

On the controversy date, Bae Yoon-jung silently deleted the video. Nevertheless, as criticism of illegal streaming continued, Bae Yoon-jung apologized through SNS, saying, “We apologize for causing concern to many people regarding the contents related to illegal download of the drama among the recently posted posts.”

He said, “While my husband was searching for TV replays on his mobile, he accessed a site where related information was posted, and without knowing that it was an illegal site, he connected to the TV and filmed and uploaded the part that was viewed by streaming.” Explained the process.

He continued, “I deeply apologize to the people involved and to all of them, and I am ashamed and apologetic for any less prudent behavior as a person in the same industry. In the future, I will try to be careful not to repeat the same thing.”

Bae Yoon-jung announced that he married a man who was an 11-year-old soccer player in September 2019 and succeeded in conceiving through an in vitro procedure at the end of last year.

◆ Next is the full text of Bae Yoon-jung

Hello, this is Bae Yoon-jung, the choreographer.

We apologize for causing concern to many people regarding the content related to illegal download of the drama among the recently posted posts on Instagram.

Inspector, while my husband searched for TV replays on mobile, accessed a site where related information was posted, and without realizing that it was an illegal site, he connected to the TV and filmed and uploaded the part that was viewed by streaming.

We deeply apologize to the people involved and to all of us, and as a person in the same industry, we are ashamed and apologetic for the less prudent behavior. In the future, I will be careful not to repeat the same thing. Sorry.

Kim Soo-young, reporter [email protected]
Article reporting and press release [email protected]

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