Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. “China Checks Through Alliance, Disturbing Local Order”

Material photo of Chinese ambassador to the United States, Chui Tiankai, interviewing with Chinese media

picture explanationMaterial photo of Chinese ambassador to the United States, Chui Tiankai, interviewing with Chinese media

Concerning the possibility that the new US administration will use the alliance to check China, China’s Ambassador Chui Tiankai warned that “there is a possibility of disturbing the local order.”

According to the homepage of the Chinese Embassy in the United States on the 28th, Ambassador Tsui said at an event co-hosted by the China People’s Peace and Disarmament Association and Carter Center on the previous day, “We must adjust policies in the United States and unite alliances to keep China in check, and to rebuild balance in the Asia-Pacific region. There is a claim that it should be done,” he said.

Ambassador Chui stressed, “These policy adjustments (compared to the former Donald Trump administration) only change the form, the content remains the same, and it is highly likely to lead to a new imbalance by taking the wrong train.”

He said, referring to Deng Xiaoping’s visit to the United States and diplomatic relations between the United States and China in 1979 when he was in office of US President Jimmy Carter, “the two countries broke the hard ice of the Cold War and continued to deepen mutual interests and cooperation beyond ideological conflicts.”

Targeting the Trump administration, he criticized “some people tried to put the US-China relations into the dangerous abyss of opposing each other,” and argued that “we need to rebuild a normal relationship of respect and trust.”

Ambassador Tsui also said, “It is a serious strategic misconception to see China as a strategic rival and an imaginary enemy.”

“In concrete matters, both sides should treat’good vs. good will.’ Spreading the uselessness of dialogue is to inspire confrontation,” he said. “China has no room for compromise or concession on the issues of sovereignty, reunification, and territorial integrity.” Said.

He warned against Taiwan issues, “I hope the US respects China’s core interests and does not challenge China’s red line.”

He said, “If the two countries cooperate, they will benefit each other.”

Ambassador Chui added, “There is no place in the 21st century where McCarthyism is rampant, and I believe that no power can return the people of the United States and China to the era of blockade and severance.”


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