‘Chinese actress’ Goryu, nose necrosis due to cosmetic side effects… “Only extreme thoughts”

Chinese star Goryu.  Photo I Goryu Weibo

picture explanationChinese star Goryu. Photo I Goryu Weibo

[매일경제 스타투데이 한현정 기자]

Chinese star Goryu (Gao Liu) reported that his nose had died due to a plastic surgery side effect. “I can’t recover forever,” he said, saying he was upset.

Goryu told Weibo on the 2nd, in a long article, “I lost my job because of the nose surgery I did because I wanted to be pretty, and I have extreme thoughts.”

He said, “I am a singer and actor who graduated from Beijing Film Academy.

It wasn’t very successful, but things were going smoothly. It was a nose surgery to make it more beautiful, but I didn’t even know in a dream that the nightmare would start.” Insisted.

After the operation, he received reoperation at the plastic surgery clinic, but there was no cure, and after four days of hospitalization, he was transferred to a large hospital in Guangzhou.

He said, “After the right time for treatment, my nose has reached a point where I can’t recover forever,” he said. “I promised to appear in two dramas in December and January. I have to ask for yuan (about 347 million won),” he appealed repeatedly.

Although the hospital that performed plastic surgery was asked to pay the compensation, the hospital is known to have responded that it can compensate for the cost of recovering the nose, but cannot compensate for the compensation for the work.

Goryu confessed, “I can’t control myself enough to repeatedly get the urge to jump out of my house on the 9th floor after surgery. My celebrity life seems to be over now,” he said, creating regret.

[email protected]

Photo I Goryu Weibo

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
