China’s’vaccine diplomacy’ shaken by distrust in developing countries

Input 2020.12.30 10:52 | Revision 2020.12.30 10:53

China, Vaccine Supply and Purchase Agreement with Over 100 Countries
Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesman “Does not seek private interests with vaccines”
Expanding the supply of domestic vaccines to strengthen the influence of developing countries
Countries inevitable for vaccination made in China also responded “not right”
Clinical trial data opaque… “Spreading second-class vaccine awareness”

The vaccine diplomacy promoted by China, led by President Xi Jinping, faced a huge obstacle of distrust of the people of developing countries. Even countries in which Chinese vaccination is inevitable, such as Pakistan, Indonesia, Brazil, and Kenya, are struggling to persuade the people who shook their heads, saying,’The second-stream vaccine will not work.’

On December 6, 2020 (local city), Indonesia’s presidential palace captured a scene where a clinical trial vaccine from China’s Sinovac was loaded onto a Garuda Indonesian Airlines plane and arrived at Indonesia’s Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. /AP Yonhap News

On the 28th, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zhaorizen said on Twitter, “With rich countries reserved three-quarters of the 12 billion vaccines scheduled to be produced next year, Chinese-made vaccines may be the only option for the government that has not secured supplies.” “We should oppose the self-interest, hoarding, or monopoly of goods at the expense of others. We should reject vaccine nationalism.”

To date, China has signed vaccine agreements with nearly 100 countries around the world. The contents of the agreement are ▲ priority supply of vaccines ▲ support for vaccine purchase price ▲ vaccine clinical trials and manufacturing cooperation. Most are developing countries. It also decided to supply the vaccine to the COVAX Facility, an international vaccine joint procurement and development project created by the World Health Organization (WHO).

However, Bloomberg cited surveys and local interviews conducted in Brazil, Indonesia and Pakistan, saying that China has failed to convince millions of people who are forced to rely on their vaccines. To date, only China and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have approved emergency use of Chinese vaccines.

Contrary to the fact that the vaccine developed by Pfizer and Modena of the United States has proven to be more than 90% effective in the phase 3 clinical trial, the Chinese vaccine has not yet completed clinical trials, and interim data are not sufficiently transparently disclosed. The Chinese government has urgently administered the vaccine to more than 1 million people since July, but it has only revealed that there have been no serious side effects.

On the 23rd (local time), the Brazilian Butantan Research Institute, which is helping the Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac’s clinical trial in Brazil, said that the efficacy of the Sinovac vaccine is more than 50%. This means that it has met the minimum standards for emergency approval by US regulators, but the institute did not disclose details. A clinical trial in Turkey showed that the vaccine efficacy reached 91%, but among the test subjects, only 29 cases of corona infection.

Hwang Yan-Chong, a researcher at the American Think Tank Foreign Relations Association, said, “In a country where only Chinese vaccines are available, the option is either accept or not. But if you can choose multiple vaccines, people will have enough data and the world’s No. 1 Western vaccine will “Because China has not provided any systematic data so far,” he said.

In a poll conducted earlier this month in Brazil, half of the people answered that they would not get the synovac vaccine. Brazilian President Zaire Bolsonaro, known as a vaccine useless, incited public distrust in October saying, “I will not buy a Chinese vaccine. There are other vaccines you can trust.” However, on the 21st, Sao Paulo announced that it would bring 5.5 million doses of the Synovac vaccine within a few days.

African opinion polls TIFA Research revealed that in a recent poll, Africans preferred vaccines made in the US and UK over vaccines made in China or Russia.

Some developing countries, which have already signed a vaccine supply contract with China, are trying to alleviate public anxiety by giving the vaccine first by the leader. Indonesia ordered 125.5 million doses of vaccine from Sinovac, and President Joko Widodo announced in mid-month that “I will be the first to receive the vaccine.” UAE Prime Minister Muhammad bin Rashid Almaktoum was vaccinated against Sinopam on the 3rd of last month.

Experts analyzed that if Chinese vaccines do not relieve the feeling of inferiority to others, President Xi Jinping’s claim that China has responded better to the coronavirus than Western countries could weaken. Nicholas Thomas, an associate professor of health care at Citi University of Hong Kong, said, “If the corona vaccine is to be accepted by the general public, transparency is necessary.”

Jorge Guajardo McLati, Associates Director of Mexico’s six-year weekly ambassador to China, said, “China has an important opportunity to do vaccine diplomacy and supply life-saving products to the world.” But in my experience, whenever they engage in diplomacy, they It ruined everything. It upsets the countries receiving aid.”
