China’s Xinjiang Uighur human rights abuses further exposed… ‘The police boast of sexual assault and torture’

Former Chinese teacher in Xinjiang camp exposed

US and British media also raised suspicion of human rights violations

On the 10th (local time), the Uighur residents of Turkey hold a protest in front of the Chinese consulate in Istanbul to condemn the’racial cleansing’ in Xinjiang and Uighur Autonomous Regions./AP Yonhap News

Another revelation that the Chinese government had violated the human rights of the Xinjiang Uighurs came out.

Cologvinur Sidik, who was in charge of teaching Chinese at a Xinjiang Uighur camp run by the Chinese government, told CNN on the 18th (local time) that he had witnessed a young Uyghur woman being carried on a stretcher carried by two soldiers on the first day of his appointment. “The dead woman’s face had no blood and she wasn’t breathing,” Sidik said. He later claimed that he had been told by a policewoman that’the woman died of excessive bleeding’. Sidik also told the policewoman that they boasted about the rape and torture of Uighur women at dinner drinking by male police officers.

Sidik is a former elementary school teacher who was in charge of training for illiterate Chinese in prison camps for several months in 2017. Sidik said that on the first day of work, 100 prisoners of men and women who entered the classroom were shackles on their hands and feet. Sidik’s message is that the young and energetic inmates have rapidly turned into weakness. He even heard screams in the basement of the classroom, and a male police officer told him that he was being tortured.

Turkish Uighur residents hold a protest in front of the Chinese embassy in Ankara on the 5th (local time) calling for the release of relatives from their hometowns in custody./AFP Yonhap News

Although Sidik’s testimony has not been confirmed, CNN said it was in line with the allegations that rape and organized sexual violence in concentration camps had been widespread. The United States has raised suspicions of torture and forced abortions in Uyghur concentration camps, while China denies that the camps in Xinjiang are intended to detect Islamic extremists and at the same time provide employment education.

In fact, it is similar to what was recently reported by the BBC. According to reports at the time, Tursunai Ziyaudun lived with her husband in Kazakhstan for five years, and after returning to Xinjiang, he was imprisoned in a concentration camp in March 2018, alleging that he spent nine months in a nightmare camp. He lived in the same room with 20 other women, received little food and water, and was allowed only 3 to 5 minutes of toilet use once a day.

While in Kazakhstan, Ziyaudun revealed that he was interrogated for ties to a Uighur asylum group, and in the process, the police laid him on a desk and stunned him with electric shock. In addition, five to six male guards raped themselves, and the same thing happened several times after that.

In response, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs rebutted, saying, “If you have a press with authority, you will be able to distinguish between facts and falsehoods.”

/ Intern reporter Park Yena [email protected]

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