China, Hong Kong Democrats Arrested Over 50 British “The Real Purpose of Security Law”

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China, Hong Kong Democrats Arrested Over 50 British “The Real Purpose of Security Law”

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Yoon Da-hye |
2021-01-07 00:23 sent

Hong Kong’s Ho Tsing Wai bar office where former Democratic President Albert Ho and lawyer John Clancy were arrested. © AFP=News1

While Hong Kong police arrested more than 50 Democrats, including former President Uchiwai of the Democratic Party, Hong Kong’s largest opposition party, the British criticized it.

According to Reuters on the 6th, British Foreign Minister Dominic Rab criticized the day that “the arrest of Hong Kong democrats by the Hong Kong police is a serious violation of the rights and freedoms of Hong Kong citizens stipulated in the British-English Joint Declaration.”

The Chinese-English Joint Declaration, signed in 1984 between the UK and China, aims to guarantee the autonomy of Hong Kong for 50 years after the sovereignty of Hong Kong was returned from Britain to China in 1997.

Earlier, Hong Kong police arrested about 50 democratic figures, including former President Wu, former legislator James To and Ram Chuck-ting, and former council member Leicester Shum, on charges of violating the Hong Kong National Security Law.

“This arrest shows the true purpose of passing and enforcing the Hong Kong National Security Law despite opposition from the international community,” said Rav.

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