China blocks three cities in Hebei… 23 million people trapped in’twice Wuhan’


In China, the number of new cases per day surpassed 100 again in about five months. Three cities were blocked at once with the number of patients in Hebei Province. Over 23 million people were imprisoned, more than twice the population of Wuhan, which was blocked last year.

This is Park Sung-hoon, correspondent in Beijing.


It is midday, but there are no cars on the road.

All shopping centers were closed, and bus and subway operations were also stopped.

Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, a city of 11 million people, quickly turned into a ghost town.

In the last 10 days, when the number of corona19 confirmed more than 300, the entire city was blocked.

Three cities in Hebei Province were blocked at once as confirmed cases began to be reported in nearby Xingtai and Langfang cities.

In total, more than 23 million citizens were imprisoned.

The population of Wuhan, which was blocked by Corona 19 last year, has more than doubled.

[쉬젠페이/허베이성 부성장 : 스자좡, 싱타이, 랑팡시에 대해 이동을 금지하고 버스와 지하철 운행을 전면 중단하는 엄격한 통제 조치를 실시합니다.]

Langfang City, in particular, is only an hour’s drive from the capital Beijing.

Movement is strictly controlled to prevent the influx of confirmed patients.

The access highway is empty and only the police are visible.

With Langfang City being completely blocked, no vehicles are currently allowed to enter the toll gate behind me.

You cannot enter or exit unless there is a special reason.

[랑팡시 톨게이트 직원 : 여기서 차를 돌려 나가지 않고 안으로 들어가면 다시 나올 수 없습니다. 도시 전체가 봉쇄됐어요.]

The number of new confirmed cases in China today is 107, showing a three-digit increase for the first time since July.

As the number of asymptomatic infections is also increasing to double digits a day, some local governments have also begun banning weddings and funeral events.

(Video Design: Hongbitnuri)
