Children’s products’filled with harmful substances’… 1122 times lead detection in eyeglass frames


Hazardous substances exceeding the standard were found in children’s clothes and school supplies. There are also products that are up to a thousand times larger. The government issued a recall order and said it would continue cracking down if it was not followed well.

This is reporter Paik Il-hyun.


It is a famous online shopping mall.

Eraser sets that children use a lot are on sale.

Here, a phthalate plasticizer with a maximum of 392 times higher than the reference value was detected.

This is a frame for children.

Lead was produced up to 1122 times higher than the standard.

When exposed to phthalate plasticizers, the liver and kidneys can be damaged, and lead can cause dermatitis and central nervous system disorders.

The National Institute of Technology and Standards investigated items that children frequently use in the new semester.

Hazardous substances were found in all 53 products.

These are pencil cases, bags, and clothes.

Citizens are anxious.

[김응복/서울 동작구 : 그런 소식 들으면 끔찍하죠. 아기들인데.]

[배하선/서울 서대문구 : 학용품 살 때 인터넷에 찾아보고 유해물질 없는지 확인하고 사야 하는 것 같아요.]

Experts also express concern.

[박은정/경희대 동서의학연구소 교수 : 이 물질에 지속적으로 오랫동안 노출이 됐을 때, 성인이 됐을 때 호르몬과 관련된 어떤 영향이 나올지에 대해서는 예측불허죠.]

In particular, he said the government should also be properly monitored.

[이덕환/서강대 명예교수 : 그런 지우개를 쓰다가 입에 넣거나 하면 안 좋으니까 규제를 하는 건데. 생산자가 문제이고요. 그런 엉터리 제품이 유통되게 만든 정부의 감시가 불충분했던 거죠.]

The government issued a recall order on the 25th.

Some companies are explaining that they will give refunds to consumers who bought the product or exchange it for another product.
