‘Child support controversy’ Kim Dong-sung’s strange excuse,’right divorce’ irrational number

“Let’s meet two divorced people and get along with the decision to remarry. I can’t make a mistake again, so I can see that process before remarriage. I think there will be something to show the viewers. Could you comfortably talk about that?… “

 TV조선 <우리 이혼했어요 data-recalc-dims= One scene.” />

A scene from TV Chosun. Ⓒ TV Chosun

TV Chosun’s production crew asked Kim Dong-sung, a cast member, and his girlfriend Min-jung, his girlfriend, who is considering remarriage with him. It was a scene that revealed the intentions of the production crew who produced’Can We Remarry? (Special). Through such editing and subtitles, the crew revealed that they proposed to appear in the second filming at the end of November after their first meeting with Kim Dong-sung in October last year.

“Yes, yes,” after my girlfriend’s answer, it was a breeze. The two worried about the bad comments that would run on each other, and the girlfriend said, “(Accidents of various incidents) I didn’t intend to do that,” and “I also wanted to protect my brother.”

It was Kim Dong-sung’s mother who appeared next. As if he was worried about his son, Kim Dong-sung’s mother carefully expressed the opinion that appearing on the broadcast was premature. In recent years, as a result of the accident, seeing the son’s appearance on TV and appearing on the news, has led to concerns and concerns that his heart was suffering. As if it was a pity, the host made a series of resounding “Ah…”

Then, Kim Dong-sung said that the decision to appear on TV was “because the fees are paid for child support,” and “There is a reason for broadcasting because of that.” It was explained that one of the goals of appearing on the broadcast was the expression of the will to “set up a seat” in order to raise children’s college tuition beyond the cost of child support anymore.

Aired on the 1st <우리 이혼했어요>Like this, it seemed that there was no intention to hide Kim Dong-sung’s accidents such as the registration of’Bad Fathers’. Following this, he showed’real’ how Kim Dong-sung earns money, what kind of future he dreams of with his girlfriend for remarriage, and what kind of hardships Kim Dong-sung is enduring, including his daily gaze.

 TV조선 <우리 이혼했어요 data-recalc-dims= One scene.” />

A scene from TV Chosun. Ⓒ TV Chosun

The tears of a girlfriend who cares for her beloved boyfriend also appeared. Here, the hosts were busy adding some kind of remarriage through conversations that emphasize the positiveness of remarriage, such as the trend of increasing the rate of remarriage with older women and younger men.

The focus of this compilation was clear. This is the rehabilitation project of Dongsung Kim, the’once national hero’, which was the center of the accident. In particular, Kim Dong-sung’s words that one of the decisions to appear on TV in the early part of the game was considering child support was acting as a strong emotional motive. It’s a sympathetic word for how hard it would have been to TV to pay for child support.

However, after the broadcast, Mr. A, who revealed that he was the ex-wife of Kim Dong-sung, refuted the contents of the broadcast. <우리 이혼했어요>It was the moment when the trap of Ran’s form itself emerged through the ex-wife of the performer in’Real World’ who was invited by the production crew.

Rebuttal following rebuttal

“Now, what kind of words to comfort my kids… I’m afraid that this mother will be upset, so I don’t even express myself when I read the article, but I’m the children who pile up layers inside. It hurts the most to see my children struggle because of my choices.

Now, two years have passed since my divorce, so I and my children have come to a certain degree of stability, but I think I am walking on a thin ice plate because of the actions of the child’s father. I want to congratulate you on remarrying. From tomorrow, I have to explain the situation starting with a game where the kids have read the article or not. By all means, this will also pass… But I hope the broadcast will not come out again.”

Myself <우리 이혼했어요>Mr. A said that he was asked to appear in’A’, but the children said “Please live only as our mothers.” After divorcing Kim Dong-Sung in 2018, he was ending a long article posted on the official cafe of the Federation for Child Support Payments.

Mr. A, who is currently raising sons and daughters, who are middle and high school students, said, “At the very least, you can pay child support until the second of five years,” and explained in summary terms about Kim Dong-sung’s non-payment of child support expenses and the process of being listed as’Bad Fathers’. sure, <우리 이혼했어요>It was very different from Kim Dong-sung’s brief comment reflected in.

“I thought that the broadcast would not be available, but on December 23, 2020, I received a call from Mr. Kim Dong-sung’s lawyer. I will deposit some of the performance fees as child support, so I will drop them off at the Baepa (Bad Fathers) site and ask me after appearing on the broadcast. It was a condition to not play media.

When the shipper site dropped it off once, it didn’t keep its promise, so it was nailed that it couldn’t be done until it was clear, and the media play promised that if I just told the truth, I wouldn’t do it either. Also, the attorney said that you need to make a change to your image so you can earn money and pay child support. In fact, is it not the first to solve all the child support problems and appear on the air proudly?”

What really surprised Mr. A was the content of the broadcast. Mr. A claimed that it was a lie that Kim Dong-sung earned 3 million won and paid 2 million won for child support. After that, Mr. A started living with another woman (with another woman) two months after Kim Dong-sung’s divorce, one of the targets of Kim Dong-sung’s accident, was imprisoned in a detention center, and then led a luxurious life with cash in hand. However, he confessed that the payment of child support has not been observed or has been delayed.

Then, Kim Dong-sung also began to refute. It was through a long article posted on her girlfriend’s social media on the 3rd, two days after the broadcast.

In this article, Kim Dong-sung cited the reasons for non-payment of child support expenses, such as his brother’s medical expenses expenditure and a decrease in income due to Corona 19. It also revealed that the pension from the Olympic gold medal was deprived when his ex-wife applied for permanent residence in the United States.

He also introduced the story that he has been trying to pay child support as much as possible, has never paid for personal life, and that children were stepped out of the child while trying to apply for child support adjustment. In addition, he added that he paid 10 million won out of the delayed childcare expenses by receiving an appearance fee in advance through his broadcast appearance.

Kim Dong-sung also said, “If I only allow my ex-wife, I have a great desire to raise children.” “Even if I was registered in the Bad Fathers because I couldn’t match the full amount of child support, I lived hard to pay back child support. It won’t be.” With a commitment to “become a filial son.” But the finish was very impressive. This was especially the case with the official luck.

“It’s natural to get a finger for wrongdoing because of being a certified person. Even if the reality is difficult and overwhelming, it’s a price for the children to not be responsible for. I reflect and reflect, and I am forced to laugh each day for a month. Please watch me by whipping me generously and sometimes fiercely. I will change. I am changing.”

What sin are children

Is there anyone pointing out Kim Dong-sung and his fault because he is a public figure? Rather, TV Chosun’s production crew went over the incident that Kim Dong-sung committed himself before the divorce as literally a’incident’. I don’t intend to mention the incidents in phrases. However, if Mr. A did not refute, would not have successfully reflected Kim Dong-sung’s’rehabilitation project’ through TV Chosun?

As a’remarried man’ who struggles with hard work to earn child support, develops loving love despite public criticism and interest, and gives understanding and effort to the remarried partner. However, viewers had no way of knowing that Kim Dong-sung passed the request to Mr. A through a lawyer after that. What is clear is that no one forced Kim Dong-sung to do the job he would receive’fingering’, nor did he urge him to appear on TV.

Even though Kim Dong-sung’s episode was named’Special’. Nevertheless, other real divorced couples confess their positions. <우리 이혼했어요>It was clearly different from the existing form of Wa. It is not an exaggeration to say that the form of conveying a one-sided perspective was conceived with controversy.

I can’t help but ask who Kim Dong-sung’s side is a rehabilitation project for, and why viewers should witness this foretold controversy. Even though Mr. A refused to appear, it is questionable whether the intention of the production crew who produced Kim Dong-sung’s episode as a’special episode’ is a consideration for Kim Dong-sung, and whether it is a part of’noise marketing’ to increase viewership.

The same is true by looking at the problem of’Bad Fathers’, a site that accuses husbands who have not paid child support. In the midst of more than two years of controversy, the court sentenced a site official who was handed over to trial on charges of defamation in January last year, and the Korea Communications Commission also refused to block the site for reasons of public interest. It is also undeniable that Bad Fathers contributed to arousing public opinion in the’Child Support Implementation Act’ passed by the National Assembly on December 9 last year (amendment to the law on securing and supporting child support payments).

In the meantime, I was listening to both sides and asking viewers to understand the stories of the divorced parties (trying to take a form of editing). <우리 이혼했어요>Why did I put such an irrational number? Considering that this program has recorded high audience ratings through consideration of its own divorce and remarriage and communication with viewers, this is a question of wonder.

While taking’real’, was it the limit of the format itself that the production crew’s editorial direction had to intervene, or was it the intended procedure for Kim Dong-sung’s side?
