‘Child support controversy’ emergency transfer of Kim Dong-sung, girlfriend Min-jung “Let’s get up.. please get up”

‘Child support controversy’ emergency transfer of Kim Dong-sung, girlfriend Min-jung “Let’s get up.. please get up”

Reporter Kim Ji-yeon
Approval 2021.03.04 08:05

[자료=우리 이혼했어요 방송 캡처]

[한국정경신문=김지연 기자] As former short-track player Kim Dong-sung tried to make an extreme choice and is recovering, his lover, Min-jung In, opened his mouth.

Recently, Min-jung said on his SNS, “I went to the market with this clenched heart. Mental couldn’t do that, but I overcame the fight with me.” As long as you live, you have to work hard,” he said.

He said, “In the meantime, In-chin, who was grateful, ordered 38 boxes to donate to the orphanage. I learned my life again while I was in Rabang.”

In addition, he added to Kim Dong-sung, “Please get up. Help my ambassador, let’s get stronger.”

Earlier, on the 27th of last month, Kim Dong-sung collapsed at his home in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do, in a blurred state. An acquaintance who discovered Kim Dong-sung reported to 119, and he was urgently transferred to the hospital for treatment, and fortunately, it is known that there is no harm to life.

Kim Dong-sung recently appeared on TV Chosun’We Got Divorced’ with his lover In Min-jung, who promised to remarry, and has shown a sharp difference between his divorced wife and non-payment of child support.

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