Cheolho Choi Courier logistics only 150,000 won for overnight work, one more check time

Actress Choi Cheol-ho/Photo = MBN'One More Check Time'

Actress Choi Cheol-ho/Photo = MBN’One More Check Time’

Actor Choi Cheol-ho revealed that he is working as a daily worker in the distribution center.

In MBN’s’One More Check Time’ broadcast on the 8th, actor Choi Cheol-ho’s day was revealed.

On this day, Cheolho Choi shared the current situation of working as a daily worker at the parcel delivery center. “I’ve been working for about 5 months. I start working at 7:30 pm and finish at 8:30 am the next day. I work about 13 hours a day. The daily wage is a little less than 150,000 won,” he explained. did.

Choi Cheol-ho spent the day and night changing daily, working all night and leaving work in the morning. Choosing Jajang ramen for his breakfast menu, he finished eating in 5 minutes and went to bed.

MC Kim Kook-jin, who saw this, said, “Chool-ho Choi, which we know, was a great actor who caused’Night Syndrome’ throughout Asia.” Cheolho Choi recalled the controversy over the assault case of juniors 10 years ago, saying, “My job is a job of choice,” as to the reason for starting work at the distribution center.

“I had to dispose of my family’s homes and property to settle my debts. I still haven’t resolved my debts, but I’ve done a lot of them. I started working for my wife and children,” he said. He said, “My wife and children were sent to my wife’s house. My mother and father were taken to a nursing home. My father passed away a while ago.”

“Usually, I get off 9 to 10 containers a day. When there are many times a day, there are times when the applause exceeds 20,000. Two people put them on the rails.”

Jeongho Kim, guest reporter at [email protected]

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