Chelsea fans exploding in’Lampard OUT’, demands hard for Lampard coach

[인터풋볼] Reporter Jung Ji-hoon= Chelsea fans exploded in the worst jokes. After losing to Manchester City, Chelsea fans Lampard OUT’And demanded the hard work of manager Frank Lampard..

Chelsea 4Day am Onecity 30minute(Korean time) Held at Stamford Bridge in London, England 2020-21Season English Premier League(EPL) 17From Round to Manchester City 1-3Lost by. This gives Chelsea victory points 26League with dots 8Was located above.

I was in trouble. Chelsea couldn’t resist much of Manchester City.. In the mid-century fight, it was completely pushed back, and in the attack, it did not create a threatening attack except for individual breakthrough.. Second half extra time Columnar Hudson Odoy scored, but it wasn’t enough to change the outcome of the match.. Man city corona19in 7Criticism is being focused on achieving the worst performance and results even though it was a crisis situation in which people were diagnosed or entered self-isolation..

It was a fatal defeat. Recent league 3Match draw(Oneradish 2tile)Chelsea, who fell into the swamps of the world, had a hard time playing against top teams this season.. Liverpool(0-2 tile), Manchester United(0-0 radish), Tottenham Hootspur(0-0 radish), Everton(0-1 tile) Victory points against the back 3Could not bring the point.

Naturally, manager Lampard is under pressure for hardship.. England The AthleticAfter the game is over Director Lampard is in serious danger of losing his job.. The Chelsea Board has already started to plan.. Thinking about a replacement for director Lampard.Said.

Then this medium In recent years, coach Lampard has broken relations with several players.. There is a strange tension lingering in the training grounds, and the Chelsea Board has expressed considerable concern over these issues.. Chelsea currently have the lowest score per game in the Roman Abramovich regime, and the owner is by no means a very patient person.He added.

In the end, Chelsea fans also exploded.. England Daily starIs Chelsea fans demanded the hard work of coach Lampard after losing against Manchester City. Fans think that coach Lampard ruined the team, I see no future and no tacticsHe said.

Meanwhile, England More linessilver Roman Abramovic owner 2003Lampard has the lowest points per game among coaches who took over Chelsea in 2012.Reported. Coach Lampard at Chelsea 55I conducted the game 27W 11radish 17Record your hand and total victory points 92Raised the point. In terms of Gyeonggi-dang 1.67Become a dot.

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