Chairman Tae-seung Son “Innovate with the same mind as the first day every day”

▲ Woori Financial Group held a non-face-to-face business strategy meeting for 2021 at the Synergy Hall of Woori Bank's headquarters in Jung-gu, Seoul on the 15th.  On this day, Tae-seung Son, chairman of Woori Financial Group, ordered the group's executives and staff members to

▲ Woori Financial Group held a non-face-to-face business strategy meeting for 2021 at the Synergy Hall of Woori Bank’s headquarters in Jung-gu, Seoul on the 15th. On this day, Tae-seung Son, chairman of Woori Financial Group, ordered the group’s executives and staff members to “come on every day as new as the first day”. (Our bank)

Woori Financial Group Chairman Son Tae-seung asked executives and staff members “Let’s innovate every day with the attitude of’Always Day One’ like the first day like giant innovative companies like Amazon and Google, and achieve breakthrough results that will surprise the market.”

According to Woori Finance on the 17th, Chairman Sohn reiterates the resilience emphasized in the New Year’s speech at the ‘2021 Management Strategy Workshop’ held at the headquarters of Woori Bank on the 15th, and says, “Like a spring in all areas including financial performance. It has to pop up again,” he said.

About 600 people including executives and department heads of group companies participated in the meeting through YouTube. Woori Finance announced its English vision of’Innovate Today, Create Tomorrow’ as its event slogan, and shared the new vision of all group companies including Woori Bank and management strategies this year.

Chairman Son emphasized that innovation and efficiency are the key keywords of this year’s management goal, and △Expand the group’s growth base △Leap to digital number one △Improve management efficiency △Strengthen brand and ESG (environmental, social, governance) management △Strengthen risk and internal control △ He mentioned the group’s six core strategies, including leading global business.

On this day, CEOs of all Woori Financial Group companies held a signing ceremony for ESG Management Principles, pledged to actively participate in ESG management. In addition, with the aim of achieving global ESG management performance and being evaluated transparently in domestic and overseas markets, it also declared support for the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) and TCFD (Climate-related Financial Information Disclosure Recommendation).
