Chairman Eui-sun Eui-seon New Year’s Librarian Emphasis on “Quality and Safety”…

Eui-sun Eui, Chairman of Hyundai Motor Group (Photo = Hyundai Motor Group)
Eui-sun Eui, Chairman of Hyundai Motor Group (Photo = Hyundai Motor Group)

Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Eui-sun Eui-sun emphasized quality and safety in his New Year’s speech.

In addition, as he mentioned the importance of E-GMP electric vehicles, the Hyundai Motor Group is expected to become a catalyst for making electric vehicles safer than before. Chairman Chung also revealed his ambition to preoccupy the future market by expanding investment in new technologies.

Chairman Eui-sun Eui-sun emphasized quality and safety in the New Year’s remarks delivered via email on the afternoon of the 4th. It can be interpreted as being conscious of the problem of vehicle defects within the Hyundai Motor Group that occurred during the last year of 2020.

Among the Hyundai Motor Group vehicle defect cases, the most controversial was the Kona electric car fire. There have been a total of more than 16 fire accidents for Hyundai Motors’ Kona EVs that have been known at home and abroad so far, and in particular, three Kona electric vehicle fires occurred in two months from September to October last year.

As the public criticism grew, Hyundai Motor Company belatedly initiated a recall of a method of updating the vehicle battery management system. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport carried out a voluntary recall when the cause of the Kona electric car fire was not announced.

However, the exact cause of the fire on the Kona electric vehicle is still under investigation. The Automobile Safety Research Institute established a special investigation task force (TF) related to Kona fire last year with a total of 16 people, but the date of the investigation has passed this year.

E-GMP, an exclusive platform for electric vehicles of Hyundai Motor Company. Hyundai Motor Group’s electric cars that applied E-GMP will be released in sequence starting this year.

In the meantime, Chairman Eui-sun Eui-sun did not give a concrete position on the Kona electric car fire. However, through his New Year’s speech, he put the plan for E-GMP electric vehicles first. The plan is to provide the E-GMP platform electric vehicle at a reasonable price with the aspiration to provide it conveniently and safely.

Hyundai Motor Group also contributed to Chairman Chung’s plan. Through the press release, it was also emphasized that the mileage of an E-GMP-equipped electric vehicle exceeds 500km per charge, and that 80% charging is possible within 18 minutes.

Chairman Eui-sun Eui-seon put the conditions for success of future mobility technologies such as electric vehicles. It is safety.

Chairman Chung emphasized, “All of our activities have no meaning unless quality and safety, which are the first steps to respect customers, are secured,” and emphasized, “Quality and safety are not specific to specific sectors.”

He added, “Only when all the executives and employees of the group and all of our business partners consider and unite together and pursue perfection without compromising quality and safety with anything else, customers will be able to trust us.”

The E-GMP platform for electric vehicles of Hyundai Motor Group was unveiled as a drawing at CES 2019 in Las Vegas, USA in 2019, and it was revealed in real form in December last year, about two years later. It is characterized by having a completely different structure from the existing Kona electric vehicles that recycle internal combustion engine vehicles. If E-GMP is used, not only the battery structure but also the indoor habitability can be further improved.

The first electric car to use E-GMP will be Hyundai Ioniq 5. Ioniq 5 is expected to be sold sequentially in Korea and by country after being released on a global level in February.

Chairman Eui-sun Eui-seon New Year’s Address

Hello, everyone from the Hyundai Motor Group family.

The new year of 2021 has dawned. Happy New Year and wish your family always full of health and happiness.

First of all, I am sorry to share the news of my mourning. On the 3rd, an accident occurred in which an employee of a partner company died while working at the Ulsan plant. May the souls of the deceased refrain.

We sincerely express our deep condolences, and the company is committed to avoiding such unfortunate accidents.

We will do our utmost to create a safe environment and prevent accidents by all means.

All employees, once again, firmly inspire safety awareness,

We ask you to work together to create a safe working environment. Once again, I wish the deceased a blessing.

Dear group employees. Corona 19, which has continued since last year, has a lot of anxiety and concerns, and I think the body and mind of our employees will be exhausted a lot.

Despite such a difficult situation, our group has been greatly loved by the market and customers, expanding its global market presence and increasing corporate value.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the executives and staff members who did their best with one heart and mind. It seems that this year’s feelings for the New Year are very different from other times. Until now, the New Year has been started with hope and excitement, but this year seems to be mixed with expectations and concerns about the future.

With the development of the corona vaccine, there are expectations that it will be able to quickly return to daily life, and there are optimistic prospects that the global economy will recover, but on the other hand, there are concerns that it is difficult to completely stop the virus with vaccines alone, and negative prospects that a large-scale global economic crisis may occur. Coexist.

In addition, in the post-corona era, as social values ​​and lifestyles that are different from the existing ones spread, only companies that have prepared for changes are expected to survive and grow.

Therefore, with 2021 as an important inflection point that will shape future growth, we must prepare ourselves to become the first mover in a new era.

Dear group employees. Even in a difficult business environment, the mission that all of the employees of the Group must keep unchanged is to realize humanity’s dream of’safe and free movement and a peaceful life’.

To this end, 2021 should be the year when the’great transformation into a new growth engine’ takes place.

First, we will solidify our position as a global eco-friendly Tier 1 brand. With the launch of a new car based on the recently announced Electric-Global Modular Platform (E-GMP)

In addition to being more convenient and safer, we plan to provide attractive eco-friendly transportation that reflects the diverse tastes and needs of customers at a more reasonable price.

Hydrogen fuel cells, which are recognized as the world’s best technology, are expanding into a power source for various mobility and industrial fields based on the brand’HTWO (Hydrogen + Humanity)’, which means’hydrogen for humanity’, taking the lead in realizing carbon neutrality. I will go out.

In addition, we will continue to expand investments in new technologies for free movement and peaceful life to preempt future market opportunities.

By strengthening autonomous driving, connectivity, and software capabilities, we implement the safest and most innovative mobility technology in the world, and we are thoroughly prepared to expand new areas of mobility in the near future by continuing to invest in new growth fields such as UAM and robotics. Will do.

In addition, we will rationalize the group’s business portfolio and continue to discover new growth engines that meet the paradigm shift of the industry to lay the foundation for the group’s sustainable growth.

All of our activities, unless quality and safety, which are the first steps to respect customers, are secured,

It doesn’t mean anything. Quality and safety are not specific to specific sectors.

Customers will be able to trust us only when all executives and employees of the group and all of our business partners strive for perfection without compromising quality and safety through unity and unity.

Dear employees of the group, a major transformation into a new growth engine is possible only when’we are all together’.

It was very encouraging that more than 5,000 precious ideas were gathered at the’Jump up Idea Contest’ held last year, and’ideas reinvented the time spent charging electric vehicles into special customer experience’ and’Smartphone remote control. Ideas to sterilize vehicles’, etc., I was able to feel the concerns and passion for your customers and humanity.

Once again, we thank our executives and employees for participating, and we ask you to continue to participate actively.

In addition, we hope that we will always put our customers and humanity first in our daily work to maximize shareholder value, and to contribute to our partners, as well as our various neighbors, society, and the environment.

From me, I will take the lead in creating a corporate culture that puts quality and safety first, and communicates horizontally so that all of our employees can fully demonstrate their capabilities.

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There will be discomfort in many areas from Corona, but I am confident that if we are more patient and combine our hearts and capabilities, we will surely overcome the crisis and turn the crisis into a new growth opportunity.

Once again, I wish all of you and your family health and happiness. Thank you.
