Chairman Cho Won-tae, Korean Air’s annual salary increased by 40% to 1.73 billion won last year

Hanjin Group Chairman Cho Won-tae’s annual salary increased by 40% last year. Korean Air sales declined last year due to Corona 19.

According to the ‘2020 Business Report’ of Hanjin Group affiliates such as Korean Air and Hanjin Kal on the 19th, Chairman Cho received 1,732 billion won from Korean Air and 1.36 billion won from Hanjin Kal last year for a total of 3,988,000 won in salary. Received.

Compared to 2019 (total salary of 1,893 billion won), Korean Air received an additional 354 million won and Hanjin Kal an additional 851 million won. However, in 2019, he received a Korean Air bonus of 64.3 million won, but last year the bonus was not paid.

Chairman Cho found that even though 50% of his salary was returned to the company last year due to business deterioration due to Corona 19, the annual salary has risen from the previous year. Since April of last year, Korean Air has been implementing the return of executive salaries, such as returning 50% of monthly salary for vice presidents and above.

Chairman Cho was elected chairman in April 2019 after the death of the late Chairman Yang-ho Cho. Unlike in 2019, when the chairman’s salary was only received for 9 months, it is interpreted that receiving the chairman’s salary for all 12 months affected the increase in annual salary.

Last year, the total salary of employees decreased by 19% from the previous year in the aftermath of Corona 19. The total annual salary for employees was 1.262.7 trillion won last year and 1.5408 trillion won in 2019. The average salary per person also decreased from 88.2 million won in 2019 to 68.18 million won last year.

The reduction in employee salaries is due to the fact that since last year, Korean Air closed the business of manpower excluding essential manpower by department, and flight allowances decreased due to the suspension of international flights.

Won-Tae Cho, Chairman of Hanjin Group. [사진=대한항공 제공 ]

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