[CES는 블로터로]The AI ​​and autonomous driving startups that Samsung Electronics, Naver, and Kakao liked

While the world’s largest IT and home appliance exhibition’CES 2021′ was held online, domestic artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous driving startups are showing off their technology. In particular, the presence of startups fostered by domestic companies such as Samsung Electronics, Naver and Kakao was remarkable.

According to the Korea Information and Communication Technology Industry Association (KICTA) on the 14th, more than 180 domestic startups participated in this year’s CES. Although it was smaller than last year, it was found that it accounted for more than half of the total 345 exhibitors. Regarding AI and automobile technology, 25 and 30 companies respectively participated in this CES.

AI startup V TouchExhibited’Virtual Touch Panel’ at CES. It is a product that analyzes the user with deep learning technology to grasp the pointed position and motion, and can manipulate it as if’touching’ from a distance without touching it directly. It is explained that remote control is possible by simply placing a virtual touch sensor developed by V Touch instead of the touch panel attached to the front of the existing display. In addition to being able to block the risk of contact infection, such as Corona 19, it is convenient because the handicapped or small children can easily control the entire screen area out of reach. Currently, it is preparing to launch with a number of companies such as elevators, kiosks, vending machines, and mirror displays. This product has won the’CES Innovation Honoree’ in two categories.

Photo = Neosapiens’ AI avatar

NeosapiensDemonstrated AI actor service at the CES Online Pavilion. The company has provided an AI voice actor service’Typecast’ through a voice synthesis source technology capable of expressing emotions. More than 60 types of voices can be used for content based on the voice recording data of professional voice actors. According to Neosapiens, it controls sophisticated emotions such as grasping the context of sentences, expressing emotions, and adjusting rhyme. It is reported that the number of users and monthly payments increased by over 1000% last year.

At CES 2021, startups supported by Samsung Electronics, Naver and Kakao, attracted attention. This year, Samsung Electronics announced that it will be the first to unveil 4 outstanding tasks of’C Lab Inside’, an in-house venture fostering program for employees, and that it will help 17 start-ups fostered by the’C Lab Outside’ program for external startups participate in online exhibition Revealed. It supports a total of 21 in-house tasks and startups, which is the largest number since CES participation support started in 2016.

Among these, the technology of AI startups stood out. Selected for C Lab Outside Dipping sauceUnveiled a technology and copyright protection technology that removes personally identifiable information in image and video data based on AI and preserves only the information necessary for learning. Flux PlanetExhibited technology for creating realistic avatars through 3D scanning and creating VR/AR contents using 250 cameras. ▲ Using AI to analyze clothing materials, it recommends the best solution for clothing management. Scan and dive ▲ Designable that recommends and creates clothing designs through AI-based fashion data analysis ▲ Creates an indoor map using a camera Davio ▲ AI air cleaning sterilization solution developer that removes viruses and fine dust SID Hub Etc. also participated in the exhibition. In addition, startups independent from Samsung Electronics have also achieved feat of winning innovation awards.

In the autonomous driving field, startups that have attracted investment from Naver and Kakao participated in CES. In Naver’s corporate accelerator’D2 Startup Factory (D2SF)’, Mobil Tech, Buron Technology, and Morai were listed on CES. Among the startups invested by Kakao Ventures, the smart radar system along with the aforementioned Morai showed autonomous driving technology.

Mobil TechDeveloped the technology of’LC-Localizaer’, a precision positioning solution, and received an innovation award. Its strength is that it can calculate accurate location values ​​indoors and outdoors without GPS based on LiDAR, which provides more than 100 times more precise location information than existing GPS. This startup, which achieved sales of 2.4 billion won last year, successfully attracted 4 billion won Series A investment this month. View Run TechnologyDeveloped its own practical lidar recognition software differentiated from the autonomous driving recognition algorithm. In this CES 2021, it has unveiled’View.One’, an autonomous driving recognition software based on LiDAR (liDAR laser-based object recognition technology), which has been developed after a year.

Series A investment from Naver D2SF and Kakao Ventures MoraiHas independently developed a’full-stack simulation solution’ that can verify and advance autonomous driving technology. It is implemented so that autonomous driving algorithms can be verified using virtual vehicles and sensors on a virtual road (digital twin) decorated like a reality. In this CES 2021, a newly developed test scenario automatic generation technology was unveiled. It is said that test scenarios are created from actual traffic data, and tens of thousands of scenarios are created based on them.

Radar startup for autonomous vehicles Smart radar systemPresented a ‘4D image radar’ that composes a four-dimensional image of a radar target at this CES, and demonstrated a’fall detection’ demo using it. It can track distance, height, depth, and speed, and can detect objects outside of 300 meters, helping safe autonomous driving. It is expected to be applicable to defense drones, weapon detection, and smart healthcare.
