[CES는 블로터로]Sony, drone, successful? | Bloter.net

Sony is entering the drone business in earnest. On the 11th (local time), Sony unveiled its new drone’Airpeak’ through CES2021, which is being conducted online. It is a plan to achieve results in the video industry by combining drones with its own camera technology.

Sony drone’Air Peak’ targeting the entertainment market

Sony announced its drone project Air Peak in November last year. At the time, Sony introduced Air Peak as a drone project in the field of AI robots to support video producers. Sony said, “Air Peak will not only contribute to the development of the entertainment industry by supporting the creativity of video producers as much as possible, but also improve the efficiency and cost savings of various industries.”

Sony’s new drone’Air Peak’

Air Peak, unveiled at CES2021, is equipped with Sony’s full-frame mirrorless camera’Alpha’. It is designed for video content creators and photography professionals. No specific specifications were disclosed. Sony mentioned that the drone can be used to shoot city and landscape footage.

Air Peak has a quadcopter design with four propellers. In addition, two landing gears used for takeoff and landing were applied. When flying, the landing gear is folded so that it does not get caught on the video screen. In addition, AI technology has been applied to stably capture images during drone flight.

Sony has continued to show interest in the drone business. In 2015, a joint venture specializing in drone business was established in cooperation with robot venture company ZMP. AeroSense has focused on developing drone solutions that can be applied to various industries, such as land surveying using drones.

Aerosense drone prototype

The drone project Air Peak that came out with the Sony sign this time has a clearer purpose. The calculation is to create synergy by adding drones to the video entertainment business that Sony is good at. In introducing Air Peak, Sony is referring to the video production and entertainment industry more than the drone itself. When we first introduced the Air Peak project last year, we focused on explaining the benefits that drones can bring to the video industry.

At the time, Sony explained, “In the field of drones, we launched the Air Peak brand to contribute to the creation of new values ​​and further development through imaging and sensing technologies as well as 3R technologies (reality, real-time, remote).” This time CES2021 also introduced Air Peak as part of the entertainment business using 3R technology.

DJI’s Drone Market Crack?

The growth of the drone business is steep. According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the global drone market is expected to grow from 7.2 trillion won in 2016 to 90 trillion won in 2026. However, the drone business is not easy. DJI, a Chinese drone maker, is already holding the market with’cost-performance’ as a weapon. DJI occupies more than 70% of the private drone market.

Sony plans to target the drone market with camera technology.

But if Sony breaks into the entertainment industry, which is their strength, the possibilities are good enough. US IT media about this <더버지>“Sony hasn’t touched the drone before, but the camera is one of the best in the industry. DJI, a leader in the drone market, is already offering mounts for Sony Alpha cameras. “The idea that Sony applies camera expertise to drones is definitely interesting.”

The situation where DJI is being sanctioned by the US government in the aftermath of the US-China conflict is also a point where Sony can penetrate. The U.S. Department of Commerce has put it on the list of banned companies for alleging that DJI is using technology to commit widespread human rights violations in China.

Sony plans to release Air Peak this spring. Prices are undecided.
