Central American immigrants flock to the US-Mexico border… Maximum in 20 years

Attempts to enter the United States from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, etc.

Poverty, political anxiety, violence, and corruption in Central America affect the US

Biden’s “Trump-style hard-line policy” also contributed to the surge in immigration attempts

Sonia, who came from Honduras, walks on the 16th (local time) on the dirt road of Penitas on the border of Texas, USA, with 9, 7 and 6-year-olds. They crossed the Rio Grande on a raft. /Reuters Yonhap News

The number of immigrants attempting to enter the U.S. at the Southwestern border has grown to the largest in 20 years. When former President Donald Trump, who was strict about immigration to build border barriers, resigned and Joe Biden’s administration entered the border, Mexican and Central American people who would like to immigrate are flocking to the border.

On the 16th (local time), Reuters reported that the number of immigrants from Central America entering the United States is the largest in 20 years.

Homeland Security Secretary Alexandro Mallorcas said the number of people from Central America and Mexico attempting to enter the United States through the border has steadily increased since April of last year. He said, “The Southwestern border has encountered the most people in the past 20 years.”

Last week, according to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), border agents arrested or deported 10,441 immigrants from the border with Mexico last month. This is the largest number of immigration attempts on a monthly basis since the border crisis in 2019.

According to Mallorcas, immigrants from Mexico and Central America to the United States are most often adults alone, and they are deported. However, it is difficult to return children and adolescents under the age of 18 who smuggle alone. The U.S. government is setting up a joint treatment center to quickly move these children to the Department of Health and Human Services shelters, while providing additional shelters for children.

As of the 14th, nearly 4,300 children were detained at the US border, according to border patrol officials who requested anonymity.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security analyzed that poverty, violence and corruption in Central American countries such as Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador caused immigrants to go to the United States to find a better life. In addition, it is believed that the deterioration of living conditions in Central American countries following the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) and two hurricanes fueled the rapid increase in immigrants.

Joe Biden, launched in January of this year, is struggling to deal with minors under the age of 18 smuggling into the South. Every day, hundreds of minors cross the border from Mexico to the United States.

US President Joe Biden told ABC, “We believe we will have enough beds to take care of the needy children by the end of next month.”

According to an analysis, changes in US immigration policy also contributed to the rapid increase in the number of minor immigrants.

The Biden administration promotes an immigration reform law that overturns the policy of former President Trump, which includes the provision of immediately granting permanent residency to persons subject to “deferral of the deportation of illegally immigrated juveniles” (DACA, Dhaka) and giving them the opportunity to apply for citizenship three years later.

Republican House Representative Kevin McCarthy visited the border town of El Paso, Texas on the 15th and criticized the explosion of immigrants, saying, “This crisis was caused by the new administration’s presidential policy.”

The former Trump administration has implemented a strong anti-immigration policy, including building barriers on the southern border with Mexico and strengthening crackdowns on illegal immigrants.

Tasnari from Honduras is walking on a dirt road on the 16th (local time) of Penitas on the border of Texas, USA, carrying a 3-year-old child. They crossed the Rio Grande on a raft./Reuters Yonhap News

/ Reporter Maeng Joon-ho [email protected]

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