Celltrion Rekirona State confirms ability to neutralize mutant virus in UK

Kang-rip Kim, head of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (right) and Jeong-jin Seo, chairman of Celltrion Group (left), visiting Celltrion on the 8th and looking at samples of Rekkirona [사진=식약처 제공]

[베이비타임즈=최주연 기자] Celltrion announced on the 11th that its Corona 19 treatment, Rekironaju, has confirmed its ability to neutralize the UK mutant virus. In addition, he said that it is planning to create a platform for responding to COVID-19 mutations by launching the development of a’mutation-customized antibody cocktail treatment’.

According to Celltrion, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently conducted a test for the neutralization ability of Rekirona by infecting host cells by mixing a British mutant and a South African mutant with an antibody, and then testing the degree to which the antibody inhibits the virus.

As a result of the test, it was confirmed that Rekkirona showed strong neutralizing ability in the British mutant, but the neutralizing ability decreased in the South African mutant.

Celltrion said, “We have already determined that response to virus mutations from the early stages of the development of Rekyrona was important, so we were securing a pool of potential cocktail candidate antibodies composed of a total of 38 neutralizing antibodies at the same time as the development of Rekirona targeting the dominant virus.” “Of these, candidate antibody No. 32 showed neutralizing ability in both British and South African mutants in this disease agency test, and its neutralizing ability was also confirmed in a cocktail therapy test in combination with Rekirona, thereby setting a foothold for the development of a’mutation customized cocktail treatment’. I gave it to you,” he emphasized.

“As we confirmed that Rekyrona has a strong neutralizing ability against the British mutant virus, we are developing a new’mutation-tailored cocktail treatment’ using candidate antibody No. 32, aiming to complete clinical trials within the next 6 months while supplying Rekyrona as the main supply. It is already in progress,” he said.

The plan is to complete the development and clinical process as soon as possible before the South African mutation continues to spread and becomes a new dominant virus.

Celltrion Kwon Ki-seong, head of the research and development division, said, “We confirmed that Rekyrona has strong neutralizing ability against the UK mutant, which currently occupies the largest share of the Corona 19 dominant virus as well as the mutant virus.” In addition, we will quickly complete the development of customized cocktail antibody treatments for mutations that can actively respond to various mutations.”

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