Cats infected with corona in their owners… “I can’t rule out the possibility of spreading to people”

A companion animal infected with the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) was confirmed for the first time in Korea. A cat at the Jinju International Prayer Center in Gyeongsangnam-do, a mother and daughter who stayed at the prayer center was confirmed, and one of the cats they raised was positive. Authorities and experts say that the possibility of transmission from animals to humans is small, but it is not impossible at all, so there are voices that related guidelines should be prepared.

On the afternoon of the 24th when a confirmed case of a new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) of a companion animal was first announced in Korea, a citizen is looking at dogs and cats at a pet store in downtown Seoul.  yunhap news

On the afternoon of the 24th when a confirmed case of a new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) of a companion animal was first announced in Korea, a citizen is looking at dogs and cats at a pet store in downtown Seoul. yunhap news

Jinju prayer garden cat, transferred to the owner and trained
“In case of a confirmed case, it is necessary to quarantine and test companion animals”

According to the quarantine authorities on the 24th, it is believed that the virus has been transmitted from a guardian for the first companion animal confirmed to be infected with Corona 19 in Korea. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on the day that “after the owner was confirmed positive during an epidemiological investigation of a group outbreak in the Gyeongnam region, the result of a test to change the care place for the companion cat was confirmed that the cat was positive.” “It is presumed that the cat was infected by its owner,” said Bang Dae-bon.

“135 confirmed in 19 countries”… Many people → animal transmission

In Korea, transmission between humans and animals was first confirmed, but cases of animal infections have been reported in foreign countries.

According to the report on’Corona 19 Infection Cases in Animals’ published in’Weekly Health and Disease’ recently published by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of November 20 last year, dogs, cats, tigers and dogs in 19 countries including Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, and South Africa. 135 cases of infection have been reported in 6 species including lions, pumas, and mink. There were 52 cases in 8 countries for dogs, 72 cases in 13 countries for cats, 7 cases in 1 country for tigers, 3 cases in 1 country for lions, and 1 case in 1 country for Puma. In the case of mink, a group outbreak was confirmed in 321 farms in 7 countries.

The infection route was mainly’human → animal’. Dogs and cats mostly occurred in corona-infected families, but after the owner was first tested positive, the infection was confirmed through tests of dogs and cats living with them. It was reported that lions and tigers were also tested positive after contact with zoo employees and trainers infected with corona. The animals showed various symptoms, from asymptomatic, cough and runny nose, diarrhea, vomiting, and shortness of breath, like humans. It is said that there were cases of euthanasia due to worsening symptoms.

The possibility of transferring from animals

As coronavirus has been found in both humans and animals, attention is also paid to the possibility of transmission from animals to humans.

According to a previous report from the Agency for Disease Control and Prevention, it is not a companion animal, but in May 2020, a mink farm in the Netherlands reported the first case of an actual worker suspected of being infected by a mink. In November of last year, the Danish government said, “A mutant corona was found in 12 people infected with corona by mink.” Tens of millions of minks were slaughtered due to concerns about the possibility of transmission from mink to humans.

Based on this, the report wrote that “continuous monitoring is necessary to understand the types of animals, transmission patterns between animals, and transmission patterns from animals to humans.”

Corona 19 major infection routes and symptoms by animal type (as of 20 November 2020).  Data Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Corona 19 major infection routes and symptoms by animal type (as of 20 November 2020). Data Center for Disease Control and Prevention

“It’s from animals, it’s possible but it’s small”

Experts say that transmission from animals is not impossible, but it is unlikely.

Kim Woo-joo, a professor of infectious medicine at Korea University’s Guro Hospital, said, “Since Corona 19 virus is a common infectious disease that can spread between species, it is not impossible to spread from animals to humans. It seems to happen, but it can also go from pet to human.” A common infectious disease is an infectious disease that spreads across species barriers between animals and humans. In the past, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) were included here.

Choi Won-seok, a professor of infectious medicine at Korea University Ansan Hospital, said, “Since the origin of the Corona 19 virus itself is from an animal, it is possible to spread from animal to human.” However, there are few epidemiological findings that the companion animal was first infected and then transmitted to humans. I said.

At the entrance of Jinju International Prayer Center where a bunch of corona 19 confirmed cases occurred, a notice of the order to close the facility was posted.  yunhap news

At the entrance of Jinju International Prayer Center where a bunch of corona 19 confirmed cases occurred, a notice of the order to close the facility was posted. yunhap news

“If confirmed, animals should also be quarantined and tested”

Jae-wook Choi, a professor of preventive medicine at the Graduate School of Public Health, said, “It is possible to infect dogs and cats through saliva, but it is not uncommon to enter the respiratory tract directly from dogs and cats,” he said. “There is a possibility of infection, but the risk of infection is not high.”

In this regard, the authorities also expressed similar opinions at a briefing on the 24th. Sohn Young-rae, head of the Social Strategy Division, Central Accident Control Headquarters, said, “The infection cases of companion animals that are believed to have been infected from humans to companion animals are confirmed worldwide, but conversely, cases of infection from companion animals to humans have not yet been confirmed.” .

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also posted on its official website, saying, “There is no evidence that animals play a significant role in transmitting corona to humans.” “At present, the risk of animals transmitting corona to humans is thought to be low.” Revealed. The CDC only emphasizes that the guidelines do not bring pets to public places and keep them out of contact with people outside the home. The CDC is instructing to “quarantine the confirmed person, including companion animals,” if there is a confirmed case.

Professor Kim Woo-joo said, “If a confirmed person comes out in the future, we should also prepare guidelines for self-isolation or examination by investigating whether there are companion animals.”

In this regard, Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun said at a meeting of the Central Disaster Countermeasure Headquarters on the 24th, “Scientifically evaluate the possibility of spreading corona between humans and animals, and make transparent disclosure.” Do it.”

Professor Won-seok Choi said, “Anyway, most of the companion animals seem to be infected by their guardians, so it is necessary for guardians to be extra careful as they do now.”

Reporter Hwang Soo-yeon [email protected]
