Cannabis Inhalation Wrapper Kilogram Did Not Do What You Shouldn’t Do

Rapper Killagram (Lee Jun-hee) was accused of smoking while possessing cannabis.  Seoul's Yeongdeungpo Police Department announced on the 3rd that it was investigating Lee on charges of violating the Narcotics Control Act. / Photo = Yonhap News

Rapper Killagram (Lee Jun-hee) was accused of smoking while possessing cannabis. Seoul’s Yeongdeungpo Police Department announced on the 3rd that it was investigating Lee on charges of violating the Narcotics Control Act. / Photo = Yonhap News

Rapper Killagram (real name Lee Jun-hee) said on the 4th, “I did something that I should never do as an official” on the charges of possessing and inhaling cannabis.

Killagram posted an apology on his social network service (SNS) that day and said, “I am very sorry to disappoint even those who have sincerely loved and supported me or who did not know me at all.”

He said, “We are cooperating with investigations such as admitting mistakes and submitting evidence during the police investigation process,” and “I will receive legal penalties of course.”

He continued, “I will not do anything that causes controversy on this occasion. I promise to see you in a more mature form,” he repeatedly apologized, saying, “I bow my head once again and apologize.”

Killagram, which made her name known by appearing in the 2017 Mnet hip-hop contest program’Show Me the Money 6′, was recently charged by the police for violating the drug management law (hemp). He is known to have recently been smoking cannabis. This fact was revealed to the world through media reports the day before.

Next is the kilogram entrance door

Hello, this is a kilogram.

First of all, I am very sorry to disappoint even those who truly love me, support me, or do not know anything about me.

It is true that I should have spoken before the article is published, but I am also sorry for the delay.

On the last three days, I was visited by police officers in Yeongdeungpo to suspect marijuana, and during the police investigation, I admitted my fault and admitted everything as it is.

The evidence requested by the police has been submitted voluntarily with reflection, and we are cooperating with the investigation, and legal punishment will naturally be received.

Legal punishment is a natural thing, and as a public figure that children should see and grow on only seeing positive and good energy, they did something that they should never do.

I will read one by one the comments from those who are reading this article or who have come across this event in the news and reflect on it slowly. sorry again.

I will not do anything that causes controversy with this incident. We promise to visit you with a more mature look. Once again, I bow my head and apologize to the fans, the many disappointed people, the people who believed in me, the people who got to know me through this incident, and the people who proudly obey the laws of the Republic of Korea.

I am deeply reflecting, and I am very sorry

Shin Hyun-ah, reporter at [email protected]

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