Byung-gyu Cho’s full text of police investigation request

Cho Byeong-gyu, suspicion of abusing again
The agency “Initiated a police investigation for spreading false information”

Byungkyu Cho/Photo = Hankyung DB

Byungkyu Cho/Photo = Hankyung DB

Actor Cho Byeong-gyu countered allegations of school violence and took a tough response.

The agency HB Entertainment announced on the 17th that “To hold legal responsibility for the indiscriminate malicious comments and dissemination of false information against actor Cho Byeong-gyu posted through the online community, we have officially requested a police investigation, and we inform you that the current case and related investigations have been initiated. “He said.

“We will no longer be left with regard to the offenses that mass-produce and spread malicious rumors against the actors affiliated with, and we will hold legal responsibility without any prejudice or agreement according to the results of the investigation in the future.” We will respond more strongly to actions (spreading false information, writing malicious comments), and we will do our best to protect the rights and interests of the actors we belong to.”

Earlier on the 16th, an article titled’Cho Byung-kyu School Violence Victim’ was posted on the online community.

The author said, “I heard too much of you these days, and my parents said,’Isn’t he the one who swears by calling you in a group? He comes out often?’ I wrote.

He went to New Zealand to study English when he was 16 years old, a third grader in middle school, and wrote that, around a week after his school life, Cho Byeong-gyu tried to talk as if he was arguing, but he did not respond. He claimed that the incident led to verbal violence by a group of about 30 people throughout the lunch hour.

The author said, “I was angry that I should be swearing so much for just ignoring it. I was so angry that I was so angry that I talked to a Korean international student management office, and I got to know my parents and homestay aunt.” He called and talked to me separately, but the manager insisted, “If there is something like this in the future, we will take action according to the school regulations.

In addition, the author said that Cho Byeong-gyu enjoyed obscenity and cursed the teachers. “There are more witnesses than I thought, and I don’t have any worries about the charges.” To Cho Byeong-gyu, “I hope you don’t just ask about your past, but live confidently. You just have to apologize.”

Meanwhile, when Cho Byeong-gyu appeared in’Sky Castle’ in 2018, suspicion of abusing arose. At that time, Cho Byeong-gyu completely refuted, saying, “It is not true.” However, when suspicions were raised again, they began to respond strongly.

◆ The following is the full text of Cho’s official position.

Hi. This is HB Entertainment (Management Representative: Na Byeong-jun).

We are making an official position regarding the distribution of malicious comments and false facts towards the actor Cho Byeong-gyu.

In order to hold legal responsibility for the indiscriminate malicious comments and dissemination of false facts against actor Cho Byeong-gyu posted through the current online community, we inform you that we have duly commissioned a police investigation and have initiated an investigation into this case and related.

We will no longer be left to sit down on criminal acts that mass-produce and spread malicious rumors against our actors, and will hold legal responsibility without any prejudice or agreement according to the results of future investigations.

HB Entertainment will continue to respond more strongly to illegal acts (spreading false facts, writing malicious comments) that damage the honor of the actors it belongs to, and will do its best to protect the rights and interests of the actors affiliated with it.

Thank you.’

Kim Soo-young, reporter [email protected]
Article reporting and press release [email protected]
