Byung-gyu Cho, netizens claiming to be’harmful’ by posting a post to expose the “big gun rampage”

InsightOCN’wonderful rumors’

[인사이트] Reporter Ji Dong-hyun = Cho Byeong-gyu showed a strong response to netizens who claimed another’hakpok’.

On the 18th, the agency HB Entertainment announced that it plans to hold him legally responsible for the netizen A, who posted a post by Cho Byeong-gyu that he had suffered school violence.

Earlier, the controversy arose with the revelation of Mr. B, a netizen who said, “(Cho Byeong-gyu) swears around him with other students.”

On the 17th, Cho Byeong-gyu said, “The author of the false post surrendered, acknowledged that the post he wrote was false, regretted his wrongdoing and misconduct, and appealed to him in apology.” Informed that it will give.


InsightPosts posted by Mr. A while claiming Cho Byeong-gyu’s abuse / Online community

However, on this day, another netizen Mr. A wrote that he was a friend who lived in the same neighborhood when he was in elementary and junior high school, and that he was subjected to school violence by Cho Byeong-gyu.

Mr. A claimed, “Cho Byeong-gyu was famous for his so-called Iljin and poor quality friends even in elementary and middle school.”

In addition, Mr. A said, “When I was in the lower grades of elementary school, I was riding a bicycle, but I blocked the road and threatened to borrow a bicycle with my friends. When I refused, I ran a rampage at me with a BB gun.”

InsightPosts posted by Mr. A while claiming Cho Byeong-gyu’s abuse / Online community

Insight / Photo = InsightPhoto = Insight

According to his insistence, Cho Byeong-gyu took the soccer ball from his friends or even forcibly taken the seat to play soccer.

Regarding Mr. A, who claimed school violence in elementary school by Cho Byeong-gyu, the agency HB Entertainment said, “Unlike the publisher who wrote a false article while studying in New Zealand for the first time, he did not contact an attorney to apologize or seek a preemption. ”Warned.

As the allegation of school violence against Cho Byeong-gyu continues to be continued, the agency is showing a strong position, so it is noteworthy how the controversy will end.
