Byung-gyu Cho, in the third academy revelation, “No preemptive action, no agreement…strong legal response”

[매일경제 스타투데이 신영은 기자]

While the third disclosure of school violence against actor Cho Byeong-gyu (25) appeared, Cho Byeong-gyu repeatedly denied the suspicion and foretold legal action.

On the 19th, HB Entertainment, the agency of Cho Byeong-gyu, said, “The first spread of false facts was promised to prevent their own reflection and recurrence. However, the police “The investigation is underway at the Cyber ​​Investigation Unit of Gangnam Police Station in Seoul,” he said.

The agency said, “In the future, we will respond to netizens who write or disseminate malicious comments and posts beyond the socially acceptable level beyond simply expressing opinions on communities, portals, and SNS.” Through monitoring, we will make every effort for our actors to prevent further damage, and we will hold them accountable through strong legal measures without any prejudice or agreement.”

Lastly, the agency said, “After a long unknown life, I am experiencing this situation at the time I am about to see the light, and I am having a lot of trouble, and the company watching from the side is also very unfortunate.” We are trying to overcome it with the trust of our fans who send us love and support. We hope that we will no longer inflict actors with malicious posts, and we ask for your warm encouragement.”

Earlier, a post was posted on an online community bulletin board claiming that Cho Byeong-gyu committed violence while studying in New Zealand.

However, when the agency revealed the legal response policy, the author, Mr. A, admitted that it was a false disclosure. The agency also released a letter of confirmation with the person.

However, afterwards, another revelation appeared saying that he was a victim during elementary and junior high school, before going to study abroad, but the agency also adhered to the position, saying, “We plan to respond hardly.

In addition, on the 19th, an account called victimofmr_cho appeared on Instagram, and the account owner, who claimed to have attended Westlake Boys High School, the same high school as Cho Byeong-gyu, posted a long article saying that he was a victim of school violence.

[email protected]

Photo|HB Entertainment

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
