Busan mayoral election fell into speculative black hole… Will the’L City Special Prosecutor’ be successful: Kukje Newspaper

The by-election of the mayors of Busan and Seoul was trapped in a black hole called the’speculation controversy’. It is also of interest that L City will be included in the investigation target of the special prosecutor who will investigate the suspicion of real estate speculation.

● Will L City Special Prosecutors Be Included?

According to politics on the 21st, the Democratic Party and the people’s strength will enter into practical negotiations on ‘3+3′ to introduce a special inspection on real estate speculation from the 23rd. The Democratic Party is in a position to look into all of the large-scale housing site development projects nationwide as well as the 3rd new city in Gyeonggi-do, where allegations of speculation by employees of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) were raised. The timing of the investigation is sticking to’from 2013’, including the Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye governments. In addition, he argues that the development of L City, a skyscraper in Haeundae, where the speculation of Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon, the power of the people, was raised.

The power of the people is also confronting the Blue House to include it in the subject of national politics investigations as well as special prosecutors. It also suggested that the period for the special prosecutor to conduct the investigation should be given at least one year. The people’s strength is that there is no reason not to even conduct a special prosecution for L City if these conditions are accepted.

●L City VS Gadeokdo

Democratic candidate Kim Young-chun, mayor of Busan, is also focusing fire on Park’s suspicion of L-City. At a press conference on the 18th, when a pledge was scheduled to be announced, Candidate Kim suggested to Park to disclose the details of real estate transactions over the past 20 years. On the 19th, an emergency press conference was held and the offensive to “Don’t hide behind a lie” was reinforced toward Candidate Park. In the list, the Democratic Party believes that the election strategy has been revised to be’Park Hyeong-jun, L-City Referee.’ On the 20th, Candidate Kim also uploaded a section titled ‘Development Dinosaurs, L-City (LCT) General Reorganization’ on YouTube.

The power of the people also launched a counterattack over the speculative suspicion of the former mayor of Busan, Oh Geo-don. Candidate Hyung-joon Park said at the Election Countermeasure Committee meeting held on the 20th, “I desperately feel the public’s expectations of an election that will correct Korea and save Busan.” General Election Countermeasure Headquarters Ha Tae-kyung said, “Yesterday (19th), the former mayor’s trial was postponed. He criticized, “I can’t even imagine if it’s not the privilege of being close friends, even though it’s still being tuned.” Rep. Jeong Dong-man said, “The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport urged the Ogeodon family to conduct a full investigation of the (Gadeokdo) speculation. On the 9th, I received a response from Minister Byeon Chang-heum saying that they would investigate whether there was any speculation. “I plan to investigate allegations of speculation on the parcels acquired by a minor when I was in office in the morning. We have also secured a list of key key seniors and major organizations and contrasted them with a certified copy of the register.”

Meanwhile, Candidate Young-Chun Kim reported a total of 11,296.2 million won as the property of himself, spouse, mother, and eldest son. An apartment in Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, in the name of the person is 664 million won, and a deposit of 420 million won for a building in Busan in the name of the spouse is included. Candidate Hyung-jun Park reported the property of him and his spouse of 4.48 billion won. As for the real estate, he reported 2,115 million won in Haeundae L-city apartment in the name of his spouse and 1,78.99 million won in Haeundae building in Busan’s Gijang-gun neighborhood in his name. Gijang-gun land in the name of himself and his spouse is also 1,093 million won. It reported a total of 2.193.37 million won as debt. Reporter Ha Song-i [email protected]

Democratic Party officials (left) at a press conference in front of L City, and the power of the people at a press conference to clarify the suspicion of L City, Park Hyeong-jun, candidate for the Busan Mayor’s by-election.
