‘Building owner and president’ also up to 3 million won… Am I eligible for disaster support?

◆ 3rd Disaster Subsidy ◆

Hong Nam-ki, Deputy Prime Minister of Economy and Minister of Strategy and Finance, is announcing the third disaster support payment and customized support measures for Corona 19 at the Seoul Government Complex in Jongno-gu on the 29th.  From left: 1st Vice Minister of Health and Welfare Yang Sung-il, Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-sun, Deputy Prime Minister Hong, Minister of Employment and Labor Lee Jae-gap, and Finance Committee Chair Eun Seong-soo. [한주형 기자]

picture explanationHong Nam-ki, Deputy Prime Minister of Economy and Minister of Strategy and Finance, is announcing the third disaster support payment and customized support measures for Corona 19 at the Seoul Government Complex in Jongno-gu on the 29th. From left: 1st Vice Minister of Health and Welfare Yang Sung-il, Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-sun, Deputy Prime Minister Hong, Minister of Employment and Labor Lee Jae-gap, and Finance Committee Chair Eun Seong-soo. [한주형 기자]

The 3rd Corona 19 disaster support fund, which will be paid to self-employed people next month, has been confirmed to be up to 3 million won. The president of a karaoke room, gym, and Pocha will receive 3 million won, and the president of a kimbap restaurant, PC room, and beauty salon will receive 2 million won in cash. After passing the cabinet meeting on the 5th of next month, the cash support project will start on the 11th. The number of beneficiaries is 5.8 million, and various classes such as self-employed persons, special type workers (special high schools), freelancers, and taxi drivers will receive them. On the other hand, most of the money has a set period of application and period that can be received, so a thorough check in advance is necessary. We summarized the target, size, and method of subsidy payment in question and answer format.

Q. Who will receive the support fund?

A. A total of 2.8 million are eligible to be paid to businesses in which collections are prohibited and restricted due to quarantine guidelines based on social distancing, and small businesses with annual sales of less than 400 million won this year, whose sales decreased compared to 2019.

Q. How is it different by industry?

A. Small business owners and self-employed persons belonging to the 11 categories of collective bans that have suffered the most damage from step 2.5 of social distancing and additional quarantine measures can receive a support fund of 3 million won. It is targeted to about 288,000 people, including five types of entertainment establishments (entertainment pub, Danran pub, Gamseong pub, Hunting Pocha, and Collate), academy, indoor sports facility, singing practice, direct sales promotion hall, standing performance hall, ski resort and sledding area. 11 businesses with limited operations receive 2 million won. It targets 810,000 people, including restaurants and cafes, beauty and beauty businesses, PC cafes, game rooms and multi-rooms, study cafes, movie theaters, amusement parks, hypermarkets and department stores, and lodging businesses.

Q. Can I get it at a convenience store?

A. Small business owners and self-employed people in general industries, including convenience stores and personal clothing stores, who are not restricted or prohibited from operating, also saw their sales decline this year compared to last year, and annual sales of less than 400 million won will receive 1 million won. As in September, 1 million won will be paid for 160,000 private taxi drivers. The total payment target is 1.75 million. Businesses affected by strengthening quarantine measures during the year-end and New Year also receive subsidies. Restaurants, convenience stores, sporting goods stores, and nearby ski rental stores operated by small business owners at ski resorts and snow sledding areas are charged 3 million won, as in the group prohibited business, if they meet the requirements.

Q. If you are operating in your own building.

A. This’Small Business Investor Team Fund’ aims not only to reduce fixed costs for small business owners such as rental fees, but also to support business damage for small business owners whose sales have declined due to business suspension or restriction. Therefore, even small business owners or self-employed persons operating in their own buildings will receive subsidies if they meet the conditions.

Q. How to apply and pay?

A. It is the same as the’New Hope Fund’ paid in September. The government uses public data from the National Tax Service and the National Health Insurance Service to select targets for rapid payment. If you do not apply, you will receive a text message after January 11th. According to the link, the application is completed by entering the business number and account number on the’Small Business Investor Team Fund’ application website opened by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups. It is expected that they will be able to receive the application the next day after applying without submitting supporting documents.

Q. If you haven’t received a text message.

A. You can file an objection online. However, the judgment is made based on the VAT report data in January, and the government’s goal is to pay more than 90% before the Lunar New Year holidays. As with the new desired fund, each local government center conducts on-site application. It is also expected that payment will be made after VAT is reported.

Q. Are there any financial benefits?

A. The government also operates a low-interest loan program for small business owners belonging to the affected industry. For those that are prohibited from collectively, we provide loans with an interest rate of 1.9%, and loans at an interest rate of 2 to 4% are provided for those with collective restrictions.

[이덕주 기자 / 양연호 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
