Building a society and ecosystem centered on future vehicles such as hydrogen in 2025

Supply of eco-friendly cars through three innovations: convenience, price, and demand

Future automobile expansion and market dominance strategy Major policy tasks
Future automobile expansion and market dominance strategy Major policy tasks

[투데이에너지 조대인 기자] The government plans to speed up the establishment of a friendly social system and ecosystem for future vehicles through three major innovations: convenience, price, and demand.

To this end, in order to create an environment where electric vehicle chargers can be charged at all times like mobile phones, in 2025, 5% of slow chargers and 15,000 units of fast chargers were supplied, and the ratio of mandatory installation of new construction was currently 0.5%. As such, it plans to impose a 2% new obligation on existing buildings.

In addition, it plans to build hydrogen vehicle charging stations in Seoul and the metropolitan area first, which lacks vehicle-to-car charging stations.

The government plans to build 53 hydrogen charging stations in the metropolitan area, including 13 hydrogen charging stations in Seoul this year, and expand it to 80 charging stations in the metropolitan area, including 30 in Seoul, by 2022.

In order to increase the momentum by expanding the discovery of public idle sites, the license for hydrogen charging stations has been raised from the basic local government to the regional and construction departments, expanded new business models such as mega stations, and temporarily supported the cost of purchasing hydrogen fuel from this year to 2025. It is also planning to increase the competitiveness of business operators by expanding rent reductions and exemptions for public land.

It plans to reduce the price of eco-friendly cars such as electric and hydrogen cars, and to secure price competitiveness equal to that of internal combustion locomotives by promoting various policies such as subsidies, tax support, and energy prices.

It plans to promote the’battery-less’ pilot project to lower the initial purchase price of electric vehicles to less than 20 million won, while promoting the enhancement of the performance of core parts of future cars, localization of parts and materials, and application of a platform exclusively for future cars.

As a measure for detailed implementation, the plan is to focus on supporting commercial vehicles that have a great effect on improving the environment and supporting small businesses.

To this end, commercial vehicles, such as taxis, buses, and trucks, which have a high environmental improvement effect, will be given priority, and in order to induce price reduction, a subsidy limit system for expensive vehicles will be introduced, and fuel consumption and low temperature performance will be enhanced.

In the case of electric taxis, in addition to subsidy for each vehicle type, additional incentives of 2 million won are provided, the minimum self-payment is set for electric buses, the production capacity of 25,000 units for electric trucks is supported, and a subsidy of 200 million won for hydrogen trucks is newly established.

In order to create demand for eco-friendly cars, the implementation of the’Green Car Purchasing Target System’ targeting large-scale consumers in the private sector will promote the fulfillment of responsibility for air quality improvement in rental cars and large corporate vehicles.

In this case, it was expected that there would be a foundation for private companies to voluntarily promote the’EV 100 project’ to promote future car conversion.

In the public sector, the company plans to gradually increase the mandatory purchase ratio of electric/hydrogen vehicles for institutional business vehicles from 80% this year while purchasing 100% electric and hydrogen vehicles for major public institutions.

In particular, it is planning to promote the’Hydrogen Commercial Vehicle Leading Local Government Project’, centering on areas with high willingness to supply hydrogen vehicles.

The strategy is to nurture the front- and rear-related industries linked to future cars into a strong export-oriented industry.

After the Paris Climate Agreement, major countries including the United States and Europe have declared’carbon neutral in 2050′, and the eco-friendly car-related industry is expanding.

While making the most of Korea’s strengths such as finished cars and core parts, it will also promote a strategy to preoccupy the global electric and hydrogen car markets through strategic exports by target region.

To this end, the company plans to export 460,000 electric vehicles, 134,000 hydrogen cars (70,000 hydrogen cars, 64,000 hydrogen trucks), and 300,000 hybrid cars in order to convert 35% of finished car exports into eco-friendly cars by 2025. .

Based on the world’s best performance, it will strengthen marketing in target regions such as Europe, North America, and Asia, and enable exports with batteryless combined to Southeast Asia, where purchasing power is low.

It means that it will intensively target areas with high willingness for commercial vehicles, along with areas where hydrogen charging stations are built, such as Northern Europe, the US, and China.

It is planning to nurture core parts of future vehicles, such as secondary cells, fuel cells, and secondary battery materials, parts, and equipment, as new export products.

Through the advancement of battery manufacturing technology such as secondary batteries and the development of next-generation battery technology, the annual sales of the fuel cell industry in 2025 will be expanded to 50 trillion won, and sales in the materials, parts and equipment sectors will reach 13 trillion won.

Other automotive semiconductors, sensors, electronic devices, SW, lightweight materials, etc., will preoccupy the high value-added market and promote the self-sufficiency of future car core component technologies with high import dependence.

It is planning to lead the future of export engines for all means of land, sea, and air transport by promptly demonstrating technologies such as hydrogen railways, hydrogen ships, and flying cars.

To this end, development and commercialization of technologies related to hydrogen ships, hydrogen railways, and hydrogen construction equipment are fostered as export products, and the first commercialization of flying cars was promoted in 2025, providing services on 10 routes in 2030, and realizing autonomous flight in 2035 to popularize them. I plan to go out.

It is expected to lead the discovery and support of mid-sized companies, small and medium-sized companies, and start-ups related to future vehicles by activating autonomous driving and mobility services and promoting the transition to the future car industry ecosystem.

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