BTS V’s birthday celebration LED show at the world’s tallest building’Bourj Khalifa’

Great gift from Chinese fandom… First birthday advertisement for Korean celebrities

Bulletproof Boy Scouts (BTS) V's birthday celebration light show held in Burj Khalifa
Bulletproof Boy Scouts (BTS) V’s birthday celebration light show held in Burj Khalifa

[부르즈 칼리파 트위터 캡처. 재판매 및 DB 금지]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Boram Oh = A super-large LED show to celebrate the birthday of group BTS’ V was held in the world’s tallest building’Burj Khalifa’ in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

On the 30th, Burj Khalifa released a three-minute video containing V’s birthday celebration light show on official Twitter.

Congratulatory messages such as’HAPPY V DAY’,’KIM TAEHYUNG’ (V’s real name),’BTS V’, and’WE PURPLE U’and V’s photos covered the entire exterior wall of the 163-floor, 828m-high building.

The lighting colors, letters, and photos change every moment and wrap the building in a colorful way.

From the fountain in front of the building, a fountain show was held with V’s own song’Winter Bear’.

An eye-catching crowd flocked nearby to watch the show or take pictures.

Bulletproof Boy Scouts (BTS) V's birthday celebration light show held in Burj Khalifa
Bulletproof Boy Scouts (BTS) V’s birthday celebration light show held in Burj Khalifa

[부르즈 칼리파 트위터 캡처. 재판매 및 DB 금지]

This event was prepared by V’s Chinese fan club’Bai Du Viva’. Baidububa released a preview of V’s light show at Burj Khalifa a few days ago.

The Burj Khalifa has LEDs all over the exterior wall, and lighting shows are sometimes held using it. However, most of the figures embodied are royalty in the Gulf region, such as the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

In 2018, group EXO conducted a video advertisement with the sponsorship of’Dubai Media Office’, but this is the first time a Korean entertainer’s personal birthday celebration light show is held.

Although they advertise for companies or brands, even a one-shot advertisement is known to cost at least 100 million won.

Baidu Viva said, “We have been advancing after a long period of application, confirmation, review, and correction.” I think it’s an honor.”

Bulletproof Boy Scouts (BTS) V's birthday celebration light show held in Burj Khalifa
Bulletproof Boy Scouts (BTS) V’s birthday celebration light show held in Burj Khalifa

[부르즈 칼리파 트위터 캡처. 재판매 및 DB 금지]

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