BTS V, the first Korean celebrity to advertise on a birthday in Burj Khalifa, Dubai

[OSEN=민경훈 기자]BTS V is having a photo time on stage. /

[OSEN=지민경 기자] On the 30th, on the birthday of BTS, V’s Chinese fans prepared an ultra-exclusive gift.

V’s Chinese fan club’Bai Du Viva’ announced that V’s personal sound and light show will be screened for 3 minutes at the Burj Khalifa Building in time for V’s birthday at 0 am on the 30th (18:50 on the 29th local time).

For the first time as a K-pop artist, a personal birthday celebration advertisement light show was held in the Burj Khalifa Building. V’s photos and birthday messages will illuminate the night sky through more than 1 million LED lights projected from a huge screen covering an area of ​​33,000 square meters.

Burj Khalifa is the world’s tallest building with a height of 828 meters and 163 floors. A colorful and dynamic LED show using LEDs installed on the entire exterior wall is unfolded in a huge building. The LED show turns this building into the world’s most glamorous and expensive billboard. Burj Khalifa’s single-shot advertisements go through a strict brand selection process as well as expensive advertisement fees of at least 100 million. Ad conditions are also strict, so only ultra-high-end advertisements from global companies from the latest smartphones to Porsche and advertisements from the Dubai Royal Family are allowed.

In 2018, group EXO conducted a video advertisement for the first time in addition to the royal family figures in Dubai with the sponsorship of the’Dubai Media Office’, but it is known that V is the first Korean entertainer’s birthday advertisement is sent out on the LED show.

In addition to the Burj Khalifa’s LED show, the Dubai Fountain, the world’s largest musical fountain, also hosts a fountain show along with V’s solo song’Winter Bear’. The Dubai Fountain is located on an artificial lake twice the size of a football field, one of the world’s top 3 fountain shows, 6600 lights and 50 color projectors creating a change of sound and light, making it one of the best in the Middle East that can be seen anywhere within 20 miles. A bright light show unfolds. ‘

Meanwhile, V released the sound source of the new song’Snow Flower’ on the 25th through the official sound cloud and official blog of BTS./[email protected]

Reporter Ji Min-kyung
