“BTS is like corona”… German radio host apologizes at the end of the broadcast

Bulletproof Boy Scouts (Photo = Big Hit Entertainment)

[이데일리 김민정 기자] During a live broadcast, a German radio host compared BTS to the Corona 19 virus, spreading racist accusations, and faced a strong headwind.

According to the BBC on the 27th (hereafter local time), Matthias Matushke, the host of the German radio broadcast’Bayern 3′, was criticized for making racist remarks while criticizing the recent BTS’s MTV Unplugged performance on the broadcast the night before. have.

Earlier, on the 24th, BTS appeared on MTV’s acoustic sound live program’MTV Unplugged’ for the first time as a Korean singer and sang’Fix You’, a popular song of British famous rock band Coldplay.

Since then, not only fans around the world, but also Coldplay, the original author, praised BTS’s performance on their Twitter as’beautiful bts’.

(Photo = Coldplay Twitter)

However, Madushke evaluated the appearance of BTS as “contradictory”. In addition, he accused him of having the cover stage of’Fix U’as “contempt,” and condemned that “the unpleasant people will have to go on vacation to North Korea for the next 20 years.” I hope this is a terrible virus.”

The BBC analyzed this as an incident that occurred amid increasing anti-Asian sentiment and racist attacks since the start of the corona pandemic.

When this fact became known, BTS fans criticized Matushke’s remarks as racial discrimination by posting hashtags such as’RassismusBeiBayern3′ and’Bayern3Racist’ through social media.

As if conscious of the controversy, Matushke said, “I have no bad feelings toward Korea at all,” and argued, “Just because BTS is from Korea, you cannot accuse me of being a racist.” He also said, “I have a very nice Korean car.

Nevertheless, as the controversy did not subside, Bayern 3 broadcasted a statement and apologized, saying, “The remarks are the host’s individual opinions” and “Matushke presented his opinions in an exaggerated way and hurt BTS fans.”

“Matushke was trying to express his dissatisfaction with the BTS cover stage, and he had no intention of hurting the fans.” “He is a person far from racism such as helping refugees and participating in campaigns against the extreme right” I explained.

He said, “It is true that fans have been hurt and racially discriminated against, so I will discuss this issue with Matushke in depth in the future.”
