Bruna, who showed what the reversal was, finally burst… 30-point bombing

[더스파이크=인천/이정원 기자] This day started with Bruna and ended with Bruna.

Heungkuk Life Insurance won the match against KGC Ginseng Corporation in the 5th round of the Dodram 2020-2021 V-League Women’s Division held at Incheon Gyeyang Gymnasium on the 19th with a set score of 3-1 (25-18, 22-25, 25-17, 25-22). He succeeded in escaping with 4 consecutive losses. Heungkuk Life Insurance escaped from the crisis by keeping the leading position.

On this day, Gyeonggi Bruna shined. I think it’s true that it finally burst. Bruna recorded 30 points and 45.61% of the attack success rate that day, announcing that adaptation to the V-League is over.

Bruna’s performance before the game was very poor. He participated in 5 games (14 sets) this season and was staying at 20 points and 21.33% attack success rate. In particular, in the previous game, IBK IBK, the attack success rate was only 1 point and the attack success rate was low at 7.69%.

Before this day’s game, Bruna focused on raising breath with Dasol Kim. Before the game, coach Park Mi-hee was convinced that Bruna would get better, saying, “Bruna’s practice is increasing, and setter and breathing are getting better.”

Even during pre-match training, Bruna’s movements were unusual. He performed an RBI attack and struck the ball with the opponent’s court.

Set 1, Bruna came out as a starting point. The RBI as it was in training came out. Together with Kim Yeon-kyung, he led the team attack. Manager Park Mi-hee and teammates cheered when Bruna scored. Bruna scored 6 points in the first set and a 41.66% attack success rate. This is the tie record for the most goals scored by an individual.

Bruna also worked hard in the second set. Even in 8-12, where the team continued pursuing, he scored a goal that ended the long rally. Bruna has consistently scored as much as the first set. It gave strength to the team’s pursuit by scoring a goal that saved the team from crisis at an important moment.

As I played the set, my breathing with the setter began to gradually match. He continued to score attack points. With the height ahead, he even scored blocking goals, so the opponent couldn’t help but check Bruna. Bruna scored 9 points in the second set and 15 points in the 1-2 sets. Bruna, who achieved the most goals in each set in two sets and the most goals in one game in two sets.

Bruna’s performance continued. He also led the attack on Heungkuk Life in the 3rd set. It couldn’t be said that it was gorgeous, but the attacks that took advantage of the RBI continued to come out following the first and second sets. In 12-10, he even blocked the opponent’s Ace Diouf attack.

Bruna’s scoring power did not cool down. Rather, it burst more. As Kim Yeon-kyung came alive next to him, he danced and joined the goal. It was the first subace of this season. And he scored an offensive score from 23-22, hitting a 30-point high. Bruna strengthened the team’s victory by winning the match between Diouf and Ace. Bruna also smiled brightly.

In the absence of Lee Jae-young and Lee Da-young, the performances of Kim Yeon-kyung and Kim Mi-yeon are also important in order to achieve good results for the rest of the season, but in the end, foreigners are required. However, Bruna’s performance in this game was truly light.

After the game, Bruna laughed, “I am very happy to win. I needed to win, but I tried to unite a lot. I worked hard during training. I want to give 80 points for today’s game.”

Manager Park Mi-hee also praised, “I didn’t know if I actually scored 30 points. I expected about 18 points, but I did well. I hope today’s game will give me confidence.”

Photo_Incheon/Reporter Kiwoong Hong

[저작권자ⓒ 더스파이크. 무단전재-재배포 금지]
