Broadcaster Jang Seong-gyu sued for fraudulent solicitation for distributing prize money for awards ceremony (professional)

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Broadcaster Jang Seong-gyu sued for fraudulent solicitation for distributing prize money for awards ceremony (professional)

Broadcaster Jang Seong-gyu. (Photo = Jang Seong-gyu Instagram) / Photo = Newsis

[파이낸셜뉴스] Broadcaster Jang Seong-gyu (38) delivered a portion of the 5 million won received as a prize money to the PD and was sued for fraudulent solicitation.

On the afternoon of the 13th, Jang confessed to his Instagram, “I was investigated. I was sued for sharing around 5 million won, which I received as a radio excellent DJ prize at the end of the year.”

Jang Seong-gyu, who is in charge of the MBC FM4U’Good Morning FM I’m Jang Seong-gyu’, was selected as an excellent host on the 25th of last month and received a bonus of 5 million won. He said, “I gave it to the people who are the true heroes of this prize,” he said.

Jang said, “I thought it wasn’t the money I would receive, and because it was a good point, and because it was a free gift that I didn’t want anything for, I told PD, who refused money, that if it was a gift for fraudulent solicitation, I was forced to get it.” He explained.

He apologized, “I haven’t gotten any punishment results yet, but I promise to take responsibility for everything if the punishment to be received is sweet, and if any damage occurs to the family members who have received the money, I promise.”

<아래는 장성규 인스타그램 글 전문>

I was investigated. At the end of last year, I was sued for sharing the 5 million won in the radio excellent DJ prize

At first I was embarrassed. I thought it wasn’t the money I would receive, and because it was a good idea, and because it was a free gift that I didn’t want anything for, I told PD, who refused the money, that if it was a gift for fraudulent solicitation, I was forced to get it.

Not surprisingly, the four PDs who received 200,000 won each returned back saying that it was against the four rules and that they would only receive their hearts.

My thoughts were short. I was proud of myself in sharing the prize money. I was narcissistic, and I didn’t even realize that it could be uncomfortable for some people and could be against the law. I realized that no matter how good and pure my intentions were, everything couldn’t be good. I will try to become a more thoughtful broadcaster in the future.

Although the punishment has not yet come out, I will shorten the text by promising that I will take responsibility for everything if the punishment I receive is sweet, and if there is any damage to the family who received the money


[email protected] Jo Yoon-jin, intern reporter

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