British-EU Brexit negotiations dramatically concluded…47 years of cohabitation’period’ (total)

Agree one week before the transition period

British “Complete Brexit”

UK and European Union flag/.Photo courtesy of EPA News

The United Kingdom and the European Union (EU) dramatically concluded negotiations on future relations, including the Free Trade Agreement.

As a result, the UK faced a complete breakup with the EU after four and a half years after deciding Brexit through a referendum in June 2016.

The UK and the EU announced on the 24th (local time) that they had reached an agreement to negotiate future relations.

This came about nine months after the start of future relations negotiations in March, and about a week before the end of the transition period until the end of the year.

Since joining the European Economic Community (EEC), which is the predecessor of the EU in 1973, the 47-year-old relationship has also ended.

In a statement released today, the British government said, “With this agreement, what we promised the people at the 2016 (Brexit) referendum and (last year) general elections.”

“The UK has regained control over finances, borders, laws, trade and waters,” he stressed.

“This agreement is fantastic news for families and businesses across the UK,” the statement said. “We are the first to sign a tariff-free and quota-free agreement with the EU. This is the largest bilateral agreement for each other.”

As of 2019, the volume of bilateral trade amounted to 680 billion pounds (about 1,003 trillion won).

The statement said, “(This agreement) will have full political and economic independence from January 1st, 2021,” and “We have completed Brexit. As an independent trading country, we now have a fantastic opportunity to sign trade agreements with our partners around the world.”

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said, “We will be friends, allies and supporters of Europe, and really the best mayors.” It will be done.”
/ Reporter Park Woo-in [email protected]

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