Britain invites President Moon to G7 meeting… Visualization of D10 for Chinese check

President Moon Jae-in is talking on the phone with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the small meeting room of the Blue House Women's Hall on November 10 last year. [사진제공=청와대]

President Moon Jae-in is talking on the phone with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the small meeting room of the Blue House Women’s Hall on November 10 last year. [사진제공=청와대]

President Moon Jae-in was invited as a guest to the G7 (7 major countries) summit held in June. This is because British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who will host this year’s meeting, invited the leaders of Korea, Australia and India as chairpersons.

This year’s G7 chairman, UK, invites guests to Korea, Australia and India
Ten Freedom Alliance Alliances To Check Against China Will Be Visible
U.S. President-elect Biden, Japanese Prime Minister Suga attended for the first time

According to BBC Broadcasting and Reuters News on the 16th (local time), the G7 Summit will be held from June 11th to 13th in Carbis Bay, Cornwall, a resort in the southwest of England. The British government said, “The next US President Joe Biden and other heads of state will be present in person.”

In a statement, Prime Minister Johnson said, “The novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) is the most destructive we have seen through generations and the greatest test to shake the modern world order.” We hope to come up with a sustainable agreement so that we can recover.” Discuss major issues such as Corona 19 and climate change.

When the meeting is held as scheduled, the leaders of G7 member countries such as the United States, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Canada and Italy will meet in person two years after the meeting in Biarritz, France in 2019, to discuss major issues. It is also the first stage for President-elect Biden and Prime Minister Suga to attend the G7 meeting. Last year, when the U.S. was the presidency, it was postponed several times due to the spread of Corona 19 and eventually did not open.

Including Korea in the rallying of free camps to counter China

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. [AP=연합뉴스]

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. [AP=연합뉴스]

This meeting is expected to be a test platform for the launch of the D10 (10 democratic countries) consultative body, which Prime Minister Johnson has mentioned. This is because, while the need for a free-fighting national consultative body that checks China is raised, the leaders of 10 countries including Korea, Australia, and India are gathering together.

Last year, US President Donald Trump conceived a system of G7 plus Korea, Australia, India and Russia, but faced direct opposition from member states. Japan opposed Korea, while Britain and Canada opposed Russia. Germany also welcomed the one-off invitation to Korea, but showed a reserved position on expanding the existing G7 official membership.

Prime Minister Johnson’s invitation to the G7 as guests of three countries means that he has succeeded President Trump’s proposal, excluding Russia. However, rather than opening the door of the G7 to Korea, etc., the diplomatic’s evaluation is that the nature of the sketch of launching the D10 consultative body with the nature of Chinese checks is strong.

The next US government will oversee the Asian regional strategy. Kurt Campbell, former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific Affairs, recently mentioned the need for the D10 Council, which Prime Minister Johnson referred to.

Campbell, who was chosen as the Indo-Pacific Coordinator (Asia Tsar) of the White House National Security Council (NSC), established by Biden-elect, said in an article published in the US diplomatic journal Foreign Affairs on the 12th, “On trade, technology, supply chain and standards issues. This (D10) alliance is urgently needed to respond,” he said.
Professor Han-kwon Kim of the National Academy of Foreign Affairs said, “As the British invited the countries that President Trump had invited again, except for Russia, the state of the free camp is gradually gathering.” It can be seen as losing.”

Reporter Jeong Eun-hye [email protected]
