Bringing out’by American’ or bidding… “Turn into an electric car made in the US”

US President Joe Biden has announced that he will replace all cars used by government agencies with electric cars made in the United States. According to CNBC on the 25th (local time), President Biden signed a “Buy American” executive order stating that the federal government should purchase US-made products first when procuring goods. When President Biden announced the executive order, he also announced plans to replace all government vehicles with electric vehicles made in the United States.

President Biden said, “There is a regulation that at least 50% of vehicle parts from government agencies must be made in the United States, and we need to expand this to increase the share of American-made parts.” “It will help the administration’s plan to create it.” However, the specific schedule was not disclosed.

However, President Biden’s plan is expected to be difficult because there are only a few US electric car makers and it takes a lot of time and money. According to the US federal government’s annual report, the number of vehicles owned by the government as of 2019 (including military use) was 440,770. However, there are only three automakers in the United States that produce finished cars from American parts: Tesla, General Motors (GM), and Nissan Motors. Considering that Tesla, the number one electric vehicle market in the US, has an annual production of only 500,000 units, it will be difficult to replace all government vehicles with US-made electric vehicles in the short term. If the federal government only purchases electric vehicles made in the US in the future, Hyundai and Kia are inevitable. This is because there is no electric vehicle production line at Hyundai Motor Company and Kia’s US factories.

[김제관 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
