Breaking up with Messi Barsa… I want to experience the American stage

Messi, Barsa and breakup preview...

Lionel Messi (33) and FC Barcelona are ending their uncomfortable cohabitation.

The British broadcaster BBC reported on the 29th (Korean time) that Messi said in an interview with Spanish broadcaster’La Sexta’ that he would leave Barcelona after this season.

In an interview, Messi said, “I don’t know what to do yet,” but “I’ll wait until the season is over.

He said he wants to experience life and leagues there while playing for the United States, and that he also wants to return to Barcelona later when he can afford to play.

Messi has only played in Barcelona since the age of 13 for over 20 years.

Since his debut in the first team in the 2004-2005 season, he has scored a whopping 644 goals in the 17th season and has won several championships, including 10 in the regular league, 6 in the King’s Cup, and 4 in the European Football Federation (UEFA) Champions League.

Messi, Barsa and breakup preview...

But now Messi is not comfortable in Barcelona.

He declared separation from the club this year, leaving the contract term for one year, but after confronting the club over a one-sided termination option and minimum transfer fee provisions in the contract, he decided to remain with the team until the contract period, June 30, 2021.

The conflict was settled when Chairman Josef Bartomeu resigned in October, but Messi’s heart seems to have already left Barcelona.

“The days of Bartomeu were catastrophic,” Messi said. “The people inside know that the situation at the club is not very good and it will be difficult to go back to the past.”

If Messi doesn’t change his mind, he can start negotiating with overseas clubs in January.

It is predicted that rich clubs such as Paris Saint-Germain (France) and Manchester City (England) will be his next destination.

“The important thing right now is to get the season done well,” said Messi. “I’ll just focus on winning the trophy.”

/yunhap news

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