Breaking news Hong Nam-gi supply shock level… Confidence in housing market stability

Hong Nam-ki Deputy Prime Minister of Economy and Minister of Strategy and Finance.  Photo = News 1

Hong Nam-ki Deputy Prime Minister of Economy and Minister of Strategy and Finance. Photo = News 1

Regarding the real estate supply measures proposed by the government on the 4th, Hong Nam-ki, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Strategy and Finance, said, “Supplying a total of 830,000 houses by 2025 centering on the metropolitan area and the five metropolitan cities is the level of a’supply shock’, leading to a firm stabilization of the housing market. It will continue.”

“Special supply plan that exceeds market expectations”

Deputy Prime Minister Hong said in a briefing on plans to expand housing supply in metropolitan areas held at the government building in Seoul on the same day, saying, “We decided that it was necessary to pursue a special supply plan that exceeded market expectations.”

He added, “However, since it may take some time to sell or move in, there is no possibility of temporary market unrest after the announcement of the measures.” We plan to prevent it in advance.”

He added, “If necessary, we will add prepared high-strength market stabilization measures and announce them immediately.”

Hong Nam-ki Deputy Prime Minister of Economy and Minister of Strategy and Finance.  Photo = Reporter Shin Kyung-hoon

Hong Nam-ki Deputy Prime Minister of Economy and Minister of Strategy and Finance. Photo = Reporter Shin Kyung-hoon [email protected]

In addition, Deputy Prime Minister Hong said, “The government will ensure that the housing market is stabilized and the people’s housing welfare are realized.” I ask the people.”

On this day, the government announced the’Public-led 3080 Plus, a plan to expand the supply of housing in metropolitan areas’, which included the provision of a total of 830,000 houses by 2025 centering on the metropolitan area and five metropolitan cities. This plan also includes the content of reducing the time required for migration to half compared to the existing supply method.

Kim Soo-hyun, reporter of [email protected]

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