‘Breakfast’ Yoo In-kyung, husband Jeong Jin-mo, “There is no professional who is dissatisfied with the broadcaster, and the husband curses his wife.”

[매일경제 스타투데이 양소영 기자]

Reporter Yoo In-kyung’s husband, Jeong Jin-mo, complained to the broadcaster.

On the 15th broadcast of KBS1’s’Morning Madang”Live Talk If I’m Me’, we talked about the theme of’a new leap forward, love is mine’.

Yoo In-kyung said, “We are a couple in Busan. They are living in vain and useless.

Since 20 years ago, she has been guilty of her husband. It is released for the first time. He introduced her husband, saying, “Jeong Jin-mo, an unemployed person.” In response, Jeong Jin-mo trembled, saying, “In the meantime,’morning yard’ hasn’t called me.”

Yoo In-kyung said, “In the past, he was called a poor baek who gave up even his wife,’Mapo Bullbaek’. Now it has changed. It is a’fisherman’. She joked, saying, “My husband is embarrassed no matter where I put it.” After hearing this, Jeong Jin-mo said, “I have a lot of dissatisfaction with the broadcaster. There are many programs where women swear at her husband, but there are no programs for husbands to swear at his wife.”

MC Kim Jae-won, an announcer, added, “It means that there are many husbands who are swearing, but there are not many swearing wives.”

In addition, Yoo In-kyung “I have been working for 30 years. Only work was faithful. I can’t exercise and I have asthma, so I hate walking or camping. I like to read books and watch TV. I don’t even drink a drop of alcohol, but my husband likes alcohol, so it is difficult to do it together. The diet is different, but now it’s tame and it’s okay.”

Yoo In-kyung, husband Jeong Jin-mo, said, “I want you to do only one.

When I’m at home, I want to cook it and leave it alone. At the beginning of my marriage, I was anxious for not being able to cook, but now I am anxious for not. Shouldn’t I lose my original intention?” Accordingly, Yoo In-kyung added, “36 years is the time to be liberated.”

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[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
