“Breakfast” Lee Soo-min, daughter of Lee Yong-sik, “I like saying that it is funny rather than saying that it is pretty”

[매일경제 스타투데이 양소영 기자]

Lee Soo-min, daughter of’Breakfast’ Lee Yong-sik, said she had the same personality as her father.

At KBS1’s’Morning Madang’, which aired on the 8th, we talked about the theme of’Celebrity Bujeon, DNA is alive’.

Lee Yongsik said, “Posik is Lee Yongsik. Today, I change my seat and I am nervous and my mouth burns tight.

I would like to introduce my daughter Sumin, who was made with love only.”

Lee Soo-min said, “When I see my father disappearing suddenly at dawn every Monday, I came to work on Monday. I am grateful and honored,” he said, “I have been on a personal broadcast for the second year. Many people ask a lot about how they lost weight. Ask them how they opposed the providence of nature. With such a question, I achieved my first goal. My goal is to help my father give birth to a bowling ball.”

Lee Yong-sik said of his daughter Lee Soo-min, “I resembled me when I was younger, but after I went to bed, I fell out and I was so sorry to be like this.”

In addition, Lee Soo-min said, “It may look different now, but only my hair was long because of this appearance. I just reaped the flesh. The appearance can be corrected, but the inside cannot be changed. It is better to hear that it is funny to many people, rather than saying that it is pretty, even to the celebrity tendencies that are timid and sensitive, and who are keen on perfectionism. I think this is comedian blood. The appearance is round, but it has a reversal charm.”

Lee Yong-sik said, “My daughter doesn’t know well right now, but she’s not sensitive and she is timid.

When someone says something, I think about a week. And don’t put off work. Not harsh. He said, “I have a constitution that bothers me in order not to make mistakes.”

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Photo|Capture of KBS broadcasting screen

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