Brave Girls Yujeong “I thought there would be no turnaround in my life”[전문]

[매일경제 스타투데이 한현정 기자]

Brave Girls Yoo Jeong-in, released 4 years ago, achieved feat such as running backwards on various music charts and exploding YouTube views. He said, “I dream of a forgotten future.”

On the 7th, Yoo Jeong-eun said in his Instagram story, “I’m greeted today in a world that’s so different from 4 years ago! A day I’ve never expected to see. I’ve been thinking that there will be no reversal in my life. Thanks to each and every one of you, I realized my dream and forgot about it. I dream of the future,” he wrote.

He continued, “Let’s not be of course, we will be more mature with gratitude in mind.

Don’t give up on us. All those things that are coming to you as well as to me,” he added.

Brave Girls’Rolin’ was released on March 7, 2017 and didn’t get much attention at the time. However, it has earned the nickname of’Immortal Masterpiece’ from K-pop fans, and has also boasted explosive popularity in the military.

Recently, a YouTuber uploaded a “comment collection” video of Brave Girls enjoying the stage at a military unit consolation performance and the soldiers happy, eliciting an explosive reaction, and “Rolin” is making a surprising record on various music charts. .

Welcome today in a world so different from 4 years ago!

A day I haven’t even expected. I have been thinking that there will be no reversal in my life.

Thanks to each and every one of you, I am dreaming of a future I have forgotten and achieve my dreams.

So that it doesn’t take for granted, I’ll be more mature with gratitude in my heart.

Don’t give up on us.

All the things that are coming to you as well as to me!

[email protected]

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
