Bong-ju Lee on a bent back and wheelchair

[이데일리 장구슬 기자] Lee Bong-joo, a “national marathoner” suffering from an incurable disease, “muscle dystonia,” revealed that he found the cause of the disease.

Lee Bong-ju revealed that he found the cause of the incurable disease. (Photo = Run Korea YouTube channel video capture)

On the 24th, Lee said through his agency Run Korea’s YouTube channel, “I wasn’t able to find the cause for a while, but recently I found the cause to some extent. I keep getting treatment for that.”

“I’m not 100% sure yet, but they said there was a cyst on the 6th and 7th sides of the spine. They say that this could be the cause because the cyst presses on the nerves.”

He said, “There are two ways to do the surgery, one to treat it without surgery,” he said. “In the case of surgery, I think it should be done last. This is because there is a risk of side effects or side effects after surgery. “I am looking for a way to fix it as much as possible without surgery.”

However, Lee said he did not find a direct causal relationship between a spinal cyst and abdominal cramps.

He said, “Since there are few cases reported in thesis or academia, it is difficult to determine it.” “Since the disease has continued for a year, I think I want to fix it as soon as possible. He said, “I am trying to find a way to heal.”

I also talked about the state of my body recently. “I’m a little better than before,” said Lee. Sometimes, once (the waist) is straightened,” he said.

Lee Bong-ju’s recent status of fighting disease. (Photo = TV Chosun’Star Documentary My Way’ broadcast screen capture)

Lee won a silver medal in the 26th Atlanta Olympic marathon in 1996 and a gold medal in the Asian Games in Bangkok in 1998, and retired after winning the Daejeon National Sports Marathon in 2009.

Recently, the news that this player has been suffering from muscle dystonia from a year ago has caused regret. Muscular dystonia is known as an incurable disease in which muscle abnormalities accompanied by pain such as twisting muscles or twisting of the neck rotate regardless of one’s will.

On the 15th, this player appeared on TV Chosun’s’Star Documentary My Way’ and revealed the current status of the fight against the disease. This player, who appeared on the broadcast at the time with a bent back and waist, confessed, “I had a slightly bent back from the past,” and “I had to pay attention, but I think I was too proud of my body.”

He said, “I couldn’t stretch my back all of a sudden in January of last year,” he said. After visiting the hospital for a year, I was diagnosed with a disease called muscular dystonia.”
