“Blue eyes, black hair, college graduate sperm” sold out in 3 hours… Sperm Bank Popularity

Sperm running towards the egg [이미지출처=연합뉴스]

Sperm running towards the egg [이미지출처=연합뉴스]

[아시아경제 김영은 기자] In the United States and Europe, it was found that men’s sperm needed for artificial insemination were scarce. This is because the number of women trying to have children without a spouse is increasing, while the number of sperm donors has fallen sharply.

According to the New York Times (NYT) of the United States and the Daily Mail of the United Kingdom, major sperm banks in the United States recently said, “People who want sperm have increased by 20-30%, while supply has been cut in half.”

According to NYT, there are only hundreds of men registered on famous sperm trading sites, but there are more than 14,000 women, and in the United States, it is known that between 30,000 and 60,000 babies are born from sperm donation. It is analyzed that the explosive increase in demand is due to the prolonged Corona 19, which makes it difficult for men and women to get together compared to before, and women who have spared time due to working from home are trying to have children.

In order to perform artificial insemination, it is necessary to regularly visit a clinic to undergo various tests and create an optimal environment for fertilization, but currently sperm banks and artificial insemination hospitals cannot operate normally due to Corona 19. In addition, NYT said that the competition is fierce, especially since there are limited sperm providers who have a wide range of looks, intelligence, and health that women prefer.

Seattle Sperm Bank, one of the largest sperm banks in the United States, said, “Recently,’blue eyes and black hair, handsome college graduate’ posted an advertisement at 6:30 am, and 30 reservations were sold out in 3 hours. “We have been breaking sales records since June, not only in the United States, but around the world. Although sperm suppliers have decreased, sales rates have increased by more than 20% from a year ago,” he said.

Photo = New York Times capture

Photo = New York Times capture

Therefore, there are increasing cases of illegally dealing directly with sperm between individuals through social network services (SNS) such as Facebook and TikTok. Authorized sperm banks are regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), do not link sperm donors and beneficiaries, and restrict one donor from giving sperm to more than 30 people. However, transactions between individuals do not have such a complicated process. In addition, men can donate as much sperm as possible and can make sure that their children are big enough, so more and more people are using this method, NYT said.

Because of this,’super donors’, which are popular among women, are also appearing. A 29-year-old man in California, who started donating sperm last year, told NYT that “35 biological children were born, and five others will be born.”

In addition, a 45-year-old single university professor in New York traveled to Europe, Asia, South America, and Africa to donate sperm, resulting in 70 biological children. It is known that sperm was provided to at least 300 people. Women from all over the world who received sperm from him are taking measures to prevent children of the same father from marrying in the future through Facebook meeting rooms.

Reporter Kim Young-eun [email protected]
