Blizzard’s classic’Diablo 2’revived as a PC console

Blizzard’s role-playing game (RPG)’Diablo 2’is coming back to PC and console.

On the 20th (local time), Blizzard Entertainment unveiled’Diablo 2: Resurrection’, which remastered’Diablo 2’and expansion pack’Lord of Destruction’ at an online presentation.

Diablo 2, released on PC in 2000, was praised as the “best RPG ever” by the US weekly magazine Time in 2016, and ranked 21st in the “50 Best Video Games of All Time” rankings.

‘Diablo 2: Resurrection’ has re-produced the video and audio level of the game in line with the current trend by applying 4K resolution and Dolby 7.1 surround. A total of 27 minutes of video was also made.

The company said that while preserving Diablo 2’s unique gameplay and system, parts that were frequently requested by users such as shared storage were improved.

For users who remember the past, the latest graphics and original graphics can be freely moved back and forth.

‘Diablo 2: Resurrection’ will be released for PC, Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch within this year. There is also a progress sharing function that you can enjoy with your own characters and items on any platform.

J Allen Brack, president of Blizzard Entertainment, said, “We are excited to see this classic masterpiece not only on PCs, but also on consoles,” he said. “You can enjoy the same fun and inspiring gameplay as 20 years ago in high-resolution audio and video.”


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