Blincoln “US-China relations are the most important… in the climate, we must join hands and address human rights”

US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln speaks at a welcome ceremony held at the State Department's office on the 27th. [로이터=연합뉴스]

US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln speaks at a welcome ceremony held at the State Department’s office on the 27th. [로이터=연합뉴스]

US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln said at the first press conference after taking office on the 27th (local time) that the US and China will compete but cooperate in some areas. They will cooperate in climate issues, but will certainly respond to human rights violations.

First press conference for the new US Secretary of State, Tony Blincoln
“Review of response to Russia…”

“It’s no secret that the relationship between the US and China is the most important relationship in the world,” Blincoln said at a press conference held at the Washington State Department. “Because that relationship will shape the future in which we all live.” said.

He presupposed that the’hostile side’ of the bilateral relations is growing more and more, he said, “there is a competitive side, but there is still a cooperative side.” In the midst of competing, he reiterated his position to seek cooperation.

Minister Blincoln cited the climate issue as a representative example, saying, “We believe that cooperation will be possible in areas that meet the mutual interests of the two countries.” “It is in the interests of China and the United States, as well as around the world, that making concrete progress to combat global warming,” he said.

Still, he stressed that he would not close his eyes to serious issues such as human rights violations that China is committing.

Minister Blincoln once again emphasized the position he said at the Senate approval hearing, saying, “We believe that genocide was committed against the Uyghurs in Xinjiang.”

They also maintained a strong attitude toward Russia. Regarding Russian authorities’ detention of Vladimir Putin’s static Alexei Navalni, he said, “We are very concerned about the human rights issue in Russia and are considering countermeasures.”

“The important thing is that Navalni’s voice is the voice of many Russians,” Blincoln urged. “(Russian authorities) should listen to that voice without being gagged.”

He added that he would look into the suspicion that Russia intervened in the presidential election by paying rewards for the killing of US troops in Afghanistan, and reviewed measures to respond.

Regarding the return of the Iranian nuclear agreement (JCPOA, Comprehensive Joint Action Plan), he said, “If Iran fully fulfills its obligations under the nuclear agreement, the United States will do the same.” I will.”

The JCPOA was led by the Barack Obama administration in 2015. However, the Trump administration withdrew in 2018, saying it was an unsuccessful agreement, and the Biden administration pledged to return.

  US Secretary of State Tony Blingen is holding a press conference at the State Department's office on the 27th. [로이터=연합뉴스]

US Secretary of State Tony Blingen is holding a press conference at the State Department’s office on the 27th. [로이터=연합뉴스]

The atmosphere at the briefing hall on this day was quite different from the former Trump administration, which set up a corner with the media. Secretary Blincoln joked that “but it wasn’t successful,” referring to his starting social life as a reporter.

“When you take responsibility for us and ask difficult questions, that’s what makes us better,” he said. “Sometimes we will frustrate you, sometimes you will frustrate us, but that’s expected and in a way that’s the point.”

During the 20-minute conference, neither the North Korean nuclear negotiations nor the issue of the Korean Peninsula were discussed. The conference held in the form of a pool due to the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) was mainly attended by British-American journalists such as The New York Times, AFP, and Reuters.

US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln is taking an oath in office in front of Vice President Kamala Harris on the 27th with his wife Evan Ryan watching. [로이터=연합뉴스]

US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln is taking an oath in office in front of Vice President Kamala Harris on the 27th with his wife Evan Ryan watching. [로이터=연합뉴스]

On this day, Minister Blincoln formally sworn in office in front of Vice President Kamala Harris. Defense Minister Lloyd Austin and Finance Minister Janet Yellen, who were previously approved, also led the oath of office by Vice President Harris. Harris, the first black and female vice president, presided over the so-called’Big 3’minister’s oath of inauguration, showing the status of the’real vice president’.

Washington = Correspondent Park Hyun-young [email protected]
