Blincoln “It is possible to respond to China, North Korea, Iran and Russia only with the alliance”



[아시아경제 뉴욕=백종민 특파원] US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln on the 19th (local time) emphasized the need to recover the leading role of the US and revitalize the alliance in order to better respond to the threats from North Korea and Iran, as well as competition with China and Russia.

According to all statements received by CNN in advance of the Senate approval hearing on the 19th (local time), when he took office, the Blincoln nominee will cooperate with governments and partners around the world to cope with the most pressing challenges of US diplomacy. He said he would lead.

“Even if everything changes, America’s leadership is still important,” Blincoln said. He pointed out that if the United States is not involved and led, other countries will take over in a way that does not enhance the interests or values ​​of the United States, or it will lead to confusion because no country is involved.

He said the United States has the ability to mobilize other countries more than anyone else on the planet for the greater good. “If guided by this principle, we can overcome the pandemic.” He also said, “It can be superior in competition with China.”

“We can revitalize key alliances,” he said. “Together, we will be in a much better position to defend democracy and human rights and to respond to threats posed by Russia, Iran and North Korea.”

New York = correspondent Baek Jong-min [email protected]
