‘BJ Touching Controversy’

Maekyung.com MK Sports Reporter Son Jinah

The restaurant side, which was controversial due to the back talk of BJ Gamdongran, expressed an apology.

The president of Restaurant A posted a handwritten letter and apologized through the official blog on the afternoon of the 21st. He took luck, saying, “After hearing about this unpleasant affair, I did not know what to do with embarrassment and embarrassment.

“A few days ago, while the YouTuber came and went to the bathroom, the uncomfortable and unpleasant words and actions and back talks between the hall serving aunt and the kitchen aunt were broadcast as they were. I apologize on my face,” he bowed his head.

The restaurant side, which was controversial due to the back talk of BJ Gamdongran, expressed an apology.  Photo = BJgamdongran Instagram

picture explanationThe restaurant side, which was controversial due to the back talk of BJ Gamdongran, expressed an apology. Photo = BJgamdongran Instagram

The president of Restaurant A said, “I wish to again and again forgive many customers who are angry after hearing this. “If you give me the opportunity, I will sweetly accept today’s rebuke and rebuke, and I will have good food and polite and kind words and deeds, and I will be faithful to my duties. He apologized again.

Earlier, BJ Gamdongran visited a restaurant, introducing it as his regular house. He was angry when he learned that the restaurant staff spoke behind him while he was away to go to the bathroom after ordering food. The content became controversial as it was revealed through BJ Gamdongran’s YouTube channel.

The following is the full text of an apology for the handwritten letter of A abalone porridge related to the back talk of BJ emotion.

Hello, this is the president of OO Abalone.

After hearing about this unpleasant affair, he did not know what to do with embarrassment and embarrassment, but he apologizes despite his shame and concern.

A few days ago, while the YouTuber came and went to the bathroom that morning, the uncomfortable and unpleasant words and actions and back talks between the hall serving aunt and the kitchen aunt were broadcast as they were. give.

Also, I pray for forgiveness again and again for my anger and deep disappointment to the followers who watched the broadcast.

In addition, we wish to again and again forgive many customers who are angry after hearing this fact.

All of these things are the biggest in my knowledge that I have not been thoroughly educated and managed.

If you give me a chance, I will sweetly accept today’s rebuke and rebuke, and I will be faithful to my job with good food, polite and kind words and actions.

I beg you down on your face to give you a chance to be born again today.

2021.01.21 Dear President of OO Abalone Porridge / [email protected]
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