BJ murdered a female employee when he refused to show exposure, “I was fed with debt…”

Photo pixabay

Photo pixabay

A medium sentence was sentenced to a male BJ (internet broadcaster) in her 40s who was handed over to trial for murdering a female employee in her twenties who refused to broadcast in exposed clothes.

The 13th Department of Criminal Agreement of the Uijeongbu District Law (Director Da-ju Jung) announced on the 2nd that he sentenced A (41), who was accused of robbery and murder, to 35 years in prison. In addition, for 20 years, it was ordered to attach electronic location tracking devices and prohibit access to the victims’ families.

According to the court and the police, Mr. A was handed over to trial on June 29 last year on charges of stealing money from a victim employee B, 24, who had been hired about three months ago at an officetel office in Uijeongbu, Gyeonggi Province, and murdering him with a rope prepared in advance.

Mr. A requested that Mr. B wear a stock-related internet broadcast in order to repay the money he borrowed from a loan company, such as 100 million won, but when Mr. B refused to do this, it was found that he committed the crime with resentment.

Mr. A threatened Mr. B who went to the office at the time with a weapon and suppressed him with a rope, and then took 10 million won through an account transfer, claiming that it was the money invested in Mr. B. Later, worried that he would report to the police, he gave Mr. B a tranquilizer and a sleeping pill, and then strangled him and killed him.

Immediately after the crime, Mr. A, who left the office, tried to take his own life, but failed. On the third day, on July 1, he called the police and surrendered.

In a police investigation, Mr. A said, “I complained that the plan was wrong because of Mr. B. I paid for it and bought something, but the medicine went up because he said he didn’t (wearing exposed clothes on the Internet).”

During the investigation, it was also confirmed that Mr. A was sentenced to three years and six months in prison and three years in prison for special robbery and special rape, respectively, and served twice.

During the trial, Mr. A claimed, “At the time of the crime, he took medicine because he had depressive disorder, panic disorder, etc., and as a side effect, he was mentally weak and accidentally murdered.”

The judge ruled that “the crime of robbery and murder is a crime against humanity that takes irreplaceable lives for wealth,” and that “in light of its illegality and the grave possibility of accusation, the accused’s actions cannot be tolerated under any circumstances.”

“The defendant hired the victim from the beginning with a plan to earn money and eventually took his life.” “The victim’s mother has to live a lifetime with the pain of not seeing her precious daughter again, and the defendant was not forgiven by the bereaved. The sentence was sent in consideration of the fact that he has been punished for two violent crimes.”

Reporter Eunbin Kim [email protected]
