BJ Metel’s death report…”Thank you for that. Good bye”

BJ Metel’s death report…”Thank you for that. Good bye”

Revision 2021.02.05 14:51Input 2021.02.05 14:51

BJ Metel death news...
Photo = Metel YouTube Capture

[아시아경제 김소영 인턴기자] The news that Africa TV BJ Metel (real name Inna Heo) died on the 3rd was reported.

On the 4th, an official at the official cafe related to the body care massage shop operated by Metel said, “We will refrain from letting you know because In-na Hur (Metel’s real name) passed away on February 3, 2021.”

An official said, “I have decided not to accept the condolences according to the aftermath of Corona 19 and the will of the deceased family, so please understand.”

He added, “I hope you will benefit widely from not being able to contact you one by one because of the embarrassment.”

Currently, Metel’s YouTube account says,’Thank you for that. There is a video titled’Good bye’.

In the video, Metel also introduced herself as “a lot of wounds.” “I had bipolar disorder in the first place, but after starting the broadcast, it recurred. After 3 years of taking medicine, I hated to eat it, so I didn’t take the medicine, so I endured it.” “I don’t want to do anything, I don’t want to have a relationship with anyone. I isolate myself.” In the video, netizens who heard the news are commenting on Metel.

Intern reporter Kim So-young [email protected]
